Our award-winning healing accelerator
gets to the ROOT-root cause of energy, mood & gut issues.


Doors now closed!

We only open doors to our Ending Body Burnout Method 3 times a year. Jump on the waitlist to be the first to notified, and to be eligible for $500+ of early-bird bonuses! 









Wouldn't it be nice to have more:


Know with CLARITY why you are in a state of body burnout, how you got here, and where to go from here to end your body burnout.


"Test - not guess" and know with CONFIDENCE that there is not only hope to heal...but a believable plan!


Regulate your nervous system and feel CALM by getting to the ROOT-root cause of your stress, overwhelm & "busy" patterns.


Feel present and learn how to deeply CONNECT with yourself and the loving messages your body is sending you.


Life is way too short to have body burnout

While busy-ness, addictive-doing, perfectionism & people pleasing might be the “norm” (and even a badge of honour) - it’s NOT “normal”. And it’s a major contributor to health issues.

Without the right tools or capacity, body burnout quickly follows.

We've identified three predominant symptoms that “busy” people experience: fatigue issues, gut issues and mood issues.

Energy Issues
Mood Issues
Gut Issues
Fatigue Issues:

Burning & crashing, waking up tired, inconsistent energy - or flat out exhaustion, brain fog, low-motivation, insomnia, weak & achy body, poor exercise-recovery, dizziness & shakiness. 

Burning & crashing, waking up tired, inconsistent energy - or flat out exhaustion, brain fog, low-motivation, insomnia, weak & achy body, poor exercise-recovery, dizziness & shakiness. 

Mood Issues

Anxiety, depression, irritability, snappiness, mood-swings, PMS or perimenopause symptoms, PTSD, inability to cope with stressors like you used to, social withdrawal, stuck in a funk, sensory overload.

Anxiety, depression, irritability, snappiness, mood-swings, PMS or perimenopause symptoms, PTSD, inability to cope with stressors like you used to, social withdrawal, stuck in a funk, sensory overload.

Gut Issues

Bloating, gas, heartburn, reflux, indigestion, gut cramps, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, food sensitivities, IBS, IBD, skin issues, autoimmunity, catching all the colds, flus and infections. 

Bloating, gas, heartburn, reflux, indigestion, gut cramps, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, food sensitivities, IBS, IBD, skin issues, autoimmunity, catching all the colds, flus and infections. 

What is the cost of staying the same?

The impact of body burnout on your life

Being in a state of body burnout sucks - and it's likely not just your health that's suffering.

You're seeing issues in your relationships. Too exhausted to parent like you want to. So snappy and irritable that you're driving away your partner. 

Even your biz or career is suffering - you can't think straight, you're easily overwhelmed, you have to drop back hours and now finances are suffering.

And you're constantly frustrated with your self, feeling self-shame & guilt about your addictive-doing patterns - you KNOW it's burning you out, but you can't seem to stop it.


5 Biggest Health Journey Problems

Medical Model


You've gone to the GP, maybe referred to a bunch of specialists, only to find all your test results are "fine" - but you don't feel fine! You might have even got remarks like: it's just "stress", or "it's all in your head", or  it's "normal" to feel like this when you're juggling kids and full-time work.

Or, maybe a diagnosis was found - low iron, autoimmune condition, depression or anxiety - and you were given a pill to bandaid the symptoms. And so you have to "manage" your health issues - and still you don't feel right.


Dr Google


So then you take your healing into your own hands. You open Dr Google, you join a bunch of FaceBook Groups, you listen to alllll the podcasts, you sign up to DIY courses, you pick up  shopping bag of supps from the health food store, you try a bunch of diets, you go low-tox.

Only to hit a road-block again. All the Dr Google advice isn't working for you - it's like you're throwing spaghetti against the wall and seeing what sticks! 


Natural Therapies


So, you decide to get some individualised help. You book into a clinical nutritionist, naturopath, Chinese medicine practitioner, or the like. They take a thorough health history, they might even look in your eyes or do some muscle testing, then they prescribe a treatment plan based on symptoms and subjective testing.

You're taking all the supplements, the herbal concoctions, doing the diets, trying to rest. Sure it worked for Sally next door, but why is it not working for you? Something must've been missed..


Functional Medicine


Then you discover functional medicine and FINALLY you believe this will solve all your issues. Finally you can actually discover what is happening in your body systems with science-based, evidence-backed functional lab testing that go beyond what regular medical doctors offer.

It's Christmas Day when you get your labs - leaky gut, adrenal fatigue, heavy metals! When you treat these imbalances, you feel GREAT but symptoms have crept back over time - or maybe you didn't respond to the lab-based protocols at all. 


Treatment Plan


...Or, maybe you couldn't even follow the treatment plan given to you by the practitioner. Lovely supps and diet and lifestyle recommendations meticulously printed out on a few pages.

You're confused, overwhelmed, lacking support and resources, and can't quite find the willpower or the motivation to do the things to heal, stuck in old unhealthy habits. You might have the best treatment plan in front of you, but if you're blocked at implementing it, it's a crap treatment plan. 




Then you think...maybe it is all just in my head? So you seek out a psychologist or the like, do some talk therapy, maybe some cognitive behavioural therapy. 

It helps you become more aware of your triggers and where they come from, maybe even helps you feel calmer and able to cope with life stressors, but still you're plagued with physical symptoms, and you're still running "busy" patterns. You start to think maybe you are actually "broken" and not able to "heal"...


We are on a mission to end body burnout

Enter the Ending Body Burnout Method! We created this program for those who are STUCK with the usual way of treating health issues - or who want a robust process that will save time and heartache doing surface-level healing.

It's a ROOT-root-cause approach that is holistic and treats the WHOLE person. 

It's thorough & robust, looking at ALL bodies of the self - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and unconscious, and is revolutionising standard functional medicine & natural therapies like clinical nutrition and naturopathy.

It is supported and guided, treating YOU as an individual, with all the resources you need to heal.

It teaches you to be your own SELF-HEALER so you have all the tools and capacities to continue listening to your body and regulate long-term.


The Difference

A ROOT-root-cause approach

While functional medicine and natural therapies are known as root-cause medicine - standard practice only works on surface-level root-causes. Body systems, diet, stress, lifestyle, toxins, etc. 

While our program looks at all of these contributing factors (which is necessary for health), the difference is we take our clients on a journey to uncover the nitty-gritty deepest ROOT-root-cause of their body burnout - which always comes back to dysfunctional beliefs about the self at an identity level. These beliefs are hidden in the unconscious and are driving EVERYTHING else, including the health of your body systems & your belief that you can heal - or are deserving of healing.

These deeper unconscious core beliefs are like internal tigers, constantly stressing out your nervous system and body systems, making it impossible to get results - or at least, long-term results.

What Is The Ending Body Burnout Process?

Step 1.

The first step in our Ending Body Burnout Method is ANSWERS.

First, we get clear on body system imbalances that are leading to your symptoms, using evidence-based science-backed functional lab testing. 

We now know what body systems are out-of-whack and causing your symptoms. Now it’s time to get to the ROOT - what caused the body systems to burn-out in the first place?

Step 2.

Enter Spark - our second step in the Ending Body Burnout Method. While food, lifestyle, toxins, pathogens, stress, to-do’s, work, parenting, etc, are all root causes of body burnout - these are what we call “surface-level” root causes.

The deeper root causes go further into the patterns, programming, trauma and beliefs that are wired in your brain, nervous system and unconscious, which started the body burnout in the first place.

Spark dives into rewiring your system so that you can heal. It's the missing piece in healthcare, and why so many people get stuck practitioner or diet hopping, only getting short-term results!

Step 3.

While you're working on the deeper unconscious healing, we start supporting your physical body with lab-based supplement protocols, healing diets, and dial in your sleep, movement, lifestyle, and reduce toxins in your environment, so that you can truly Shine! 

Don't worry - we don't do all of this all at once - that's overwhelming! We break your treatment plan into achievable bite-sized pieces, based on what shows up in your lab testing and in your root-cause assessments. 


Physical & Metaphysical Healing

To end your body burnout you must address both physical stressors and metaphysical stressors. If only one is addressed, results are rarely long-lasting - or worse, you may not see any results at all.

Physical Healing

Physical inflammatories include body system imbalances - nasty pathogens, leaky gut, detox issues, nutritional deficiencies, adrenal fatigue, depleted neurotransmitters, sex hormone imbalances, mitochondrial issues, gene mutations - and also poor diet, sleep, movement, environmental toxins, mould and an unhealthy lifestyle. As these stressors are removed, the body is better able to return to homeostasis.

Meta-Physical Healing

Metaphysical inflammatories include dysfunctional thoughts, feelings, abnormal stress response, self-guilt & shame, dysfunctional patterns of behaviour (perfectionism, over-doing, people pleasing, unhealthy habits) and always come back to unconscious core beliefs and trauma. When metaphysical stressors are healed, the body is now safe and able to heal.

Take a sneak peek behind the scenes

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End your body burnout!

What the body created, the body can heal.

95% of what you need to heal is already within you.

Take back your power and become your own self-healer.

End your body burnout!

What the body created, the body can heal.

95% of what you need to heal is already within you.

Take back your power and become your own self-healer.

Check out our client results below!

Who the Ending Body Burnout Method IS for

  • You’re struggling with common body burnout symptoms - energy, mood & gut issues
  • You’re stuck in a pattern of busy-ness, addictive-doing, perfectionism, people-pleasing, which is high-jacking your health/healing
  • You’re doing “all the things” but nothing is budging your health symptoms
  • Or…you struggle to “do the things” that will lead to better health
  • You’ve tried so hard for so long to get on top of your body burnout, and now you’re losing hope
  • You’re constantly feeling worried, anxious, fight-flighty, about your life and/or your health (including anxious about doing the “right thing” for your health - or guilt/shame that you “can’t” do the things)

Who the Ending Body Burnout Method is NOT for:

  • Just want a “quick fix”
  • Not interested in long-term health - you just want a bit of “relief”, but don’t really care if it doesn’t last
  • You’re not open to changing
  • Think you already have “all the answers”, and not willing to learn or try a new way

Why we created the Ending Body Burnout Method

Our program was born from our 25+ years of combined experience in the health industry, serving over 2,500+ busy, burned-out clients.

We got fed-up with natural band-aid approaches, when we saw our own health results - and that of our clients - not "stick" after doing all the usual physical lab testing, supplement, diet & exercise protocols.

We even saw symptoms completely resistant to physical protocols. 

Why was this happening?

We soon realised that body burnout (especially in people running over-doing, perfectionism, people pleasing patterns) is not just physical.

It is also mental, emotional, unconscious and environmental.

And therefore standard functional medicine was only providing temporary (if any) relief.

This realisation led us to create a deep "ROOT" root-cause approach, recognising that body burnout symptoms serve as messages from the unconscious, signalling the need to address deeper core wounds.



Private 1:1


Or $397/mth x 6mths

  • 6 month healing acclerator
  • Lab-based Treatment plan
  • Monthly - 1:1 Treatment plan review
  • Weekly - Root-cause group calls
  • Daily - On call support via email
  • Ending Body Burnout Method Online Portal
  • 10% OFF Supps
  • Free postage over $150

**lab tests & supps additional**



Or $1,111/mth x 6mths

  • 6 month healing accelerator
  • Lab- based treatment plan 
  • Monthly - 1:1 Treatment plan review
  • Weekly - 1:1 Root-cause coaching
  • Weekly - Root-cause group calls (optional)
  • Daily - On call support via email
  • Ending Body Burnout Method Online Portal
  • 10% OFF Supps
  • Free postage over $150

**lab tests & supps additional**



Key Features

Monthly Consults

Monthly 1:1 Treatment Reviews to assess symptomatic improvements and adjust your supplement & therapeutic protocol.

Weekly Coaching

Weekly coaching (1:1 or group), to address root causes, and to keep you motivated, accountable and on track.


Access to our online Spark program & Shine portal, to help you deeply understand and address body, mind & environment root causes.

Option Comparison

The Ending Body Burnout Method

Our Ending Body Burnout Method takes the guesswork out for you and makes things as easy and seamless as possible!

We have two options to embark on the Ending Body Burnout Method - a hybrid 1:1/Group option and an exclusive 1:1 option. This method won't only resolve your burnout symptoms now, but it will set you up for longterm health as you heal your deepest root-causes.

Say good-bye to doctor/practitioner/diet/DIY course hopping!


Our Semi-Private option is our most popular service delivery.

We call it "Semi-Private" because every month you will have a private 1:1 consult to address your treatment plan, and how your nervous system is going. In these consults, we "meet you where you're at"...behaviour never lies, so we make adjustments to your plan and the protocols you're following based on how your body is responding and how you behave in response to stress, and any blocks that show up.

It is common for us to pivot how we treat you month-to-month and these monthly consults are vital in ending your body burnout.

In addition, you get exclusive access to our Spark portal (which takes you through "testing" and "treating" metaphysical imbalances in your unconscious mind), and our Shine portal (which guides you through lifestyle support to heal body systems).

We also run weekly group calls to help you address root-causes and implement metaphysical and physical healing.

Private 1:1

In this exclusive 1:1 option, you receive everything in the Semi-Private package, PLUS weekly 1:1 root-cause coaching.

Historically, the wonderful thing about Private 1:1 service is that we can really tailor and tinker with the order of delivery based on your specific needs. 

This is a bespoke, tailored and dynamic service - think of how much we can accomplish and uncover as we work together in this wonderful and personal setting!

There will also be less DIY-ing in this option, as we can work closely together to work through your deepest root-causes effectively, and much faster. 

Included in this option is TRTP trauma therapy, an experiential modality working at an unconscious level that switches off trauma safely & quickly in just 2-weeks. This option is recommended if you have a lot of unresolved trauma.

Please note: we only have a VERY limited number of spaces available...if we don't have any spaces available, please pop your name on our WAITLIST.

Want to hear what our clients say about the Method?

Want to hear what our clients say about the Method?

Want to listen to more of our Podcast episodes?

Listen to our podcast

Click the button below to go to our Ending Body Burnout Show page where you can read our show notes, download resources, and listen to whole episodes.

Listen to our podcasts

At Chris & Filly Functional Medicine we understand what it's like to feel frustrated & stuck with your health issues. 

That’s why we created the Ending Body Burnout Method. So you can get to the root cause quickly, and have the support you need to successfully achieve symptomatic resolution and flow in your life.

Clarity. Confidence. Calm. Connection.

Frequently Asked Questions