00:00:03:07 - 00:00:16:23
Hello and welcome to the ending Body Burn Out Show. We are your host, Chris and Filly co-founders of a multi-award-winning winning functional medicine practice, serving busy people with energy, mood and gut issues.
00:00:17:00 - 00:00:24:21
While busyness, addictive doing, people pleasing and perfectionism might be the norm, it's not normal and it's a major contributor to health issues.
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Our goal with this show is to give you a holistic root, root cause approach to healing your body so that you don't have to continue doctor or diet hopping or popping a gazillion supplements hoping something might stick.
00:00:38:05 - 00:00:46:07
So, get ready to heal your body, get your spark back deeply, connect with yourself and step into the life of your dreams.
00:00:46:10 - 00:01:13:17
Let's dive in. Alrighty. Welcome everybody, to this episode of the ending Body Burn Out show. We have our lovely guest here today and we're so grateful to have you, Emma, on our show. So we dive into some questions. Phil Yes.
00:01:13:17 - 00:01:36:07
So we find a lot of people who end up in the holistic wellness space have their own healing journey. So are you happy if we just dive straight into the deep end and share it? Sometimes people have body burn out stories like multiple, so you choose where you want to go and we will flow from there.
00:01:36:09 - 00:01:58:22
Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for having me, Filly. Thanks, Chris. It's an absolute pleasure to be here. And yes, it's funny that the other question that people in the wellness industry often have burnout and you know, what's that saying? You you often teach what you most need to embody. And I feel like that was potentially a little bit of my story.
00:01:58:22 - 00:02:33:23
And, you know, when you said multiple, you know, thinking about the most recent was when I owned a yoga studio. Go figure. So it easy just dig that whole wellness thing and then fancy that a yoga studio owner teacher with a with out fancy that so you know it was probably you know I opened a studio in 2019 on the Gold Coast and of course, as we all know, the world went bananas in 2020.
00:02:34:01 - 00:03:02:23
So I opened a studio, although I must say, you know, the Gold Coast and Queensland really did fare quite well during the whole COVID, you know, as we all know. I mean, certainly, you know, Melbourne took one for the team didn't they, in Australia that was yeah, very harsh. But Queensland we somewhat, you know, motored along quite nicely, although the Gold Coast didn't have the influx of the floating population of holiday people.
00:03:02:23 - 00:03:40:08
However, my yoga studio still hummed along quite nicely. So I had Studio one in 2019 and I then decided 18 months into opening that studio that I would double the size of the studio. So I realised that yoga is a wonderful thing about polarities and reform properties is even more wonderful to have alongside a yoga practice. So I decided and just, you know, a few things shifted with my husband in the sense of I also am quite involved with his town planning business.
00:03:40:08 - 00:04:01:06
We have a town planning business on the Gold Coast. We had the yoga studio and then yoga studio, one that I opened in 2019. I decided to double it as my as we purchased a property to move our town planning office in. So I moved out of one studio, doubled the size, bought reformers and bought on reformer teachers.
00:04:01:06 - 00:04:28:12
So kind of reinvented the studio like Studio 1.0, 1.1, whatever we want to call it, and then moved our town planning office into a property that we'd purchased and renovated it. So I had a renovation of a town planning office happening that we purchased the renovation of the second studio and our youngest child's going through year 11, then into year 12 in that time.
00:04:28:12 - 00:04:56:17
So, you know, it was the perfect storm really, wasn't it? So, you know, teaching around 12 classes a week, still doing all of the pays and the accounts for our town planning business. I had ten teachers that worked for me and, you know, a child in the last year of his education and, you know, so on a on a business and a physical realm.
00:04:56:19 - 00:05:21:16
my goodness. It was, you know, seven days a week non-stop with the renovations and business. But on a personal level and emotionally, which, you know, I came through was the shift of my relationship with our youngest child finishing school. And, you know, it was just very interesting how that played in emotionally as well as the physical stuff, the emotions.
00:05:21:16 - 00:05:54:01
So, you know, fast forward to Sunny. That's my youngest. And also I have asked permission of him to share this today. So it's week Sonny's consent and so arrived studios renovated. The town planning office is renovated this is the mid 2020 choose Sunny finishes school end of 2022 and we booked a holiday to Noosa. And you know, there's always a catalyst or pivotal moment or a defining moment that you go, well, I am done.
00:05:54:01 - 00:06:17:17
So we got in the car and I looked at my husband and I couldn't. It was almost like I'd lost my voice. I was just like I was numb almost. I sat there and he goes like, Look, are you excited for this? And I said to him, I have got nothing. I've got nothing left. I've got nothing. Please do not ask anything of me on this week because I have nothing.
00:06:17:19 - 00:06:52:12
So we get to Noosa and my husband's a very beautiful, gentle, gorgeous man and just gave me some space. And in that time during sitting by the beach in Noosa, I've always had a very strong morning practice. Not quite as elaborate. Is Chris's. There is, there's a timing around mine Chris, but however I do have a beautiful morning practice and during those morning pages, you know, I wrote, I had to get really honest with myself and because our youngest had finished school and I and I kind of question, do I really want this do it?
00:06:52:13 - 00:07:11:21
You know, it was been three and a half years of owning a yoga and employee studio. Do I really want this? And what is that? You know, and it felt at that point in time, near the words, as I wrote on that page, it felt at that point in time that it was taking more than it gave. And that was kind of where I had arrived at.
00:07:11:21 - 00:07:39:07
So in those pages I wrote that I would love to pass on this beautiful studio that I'd built with these gorgeous teachers in this membership base. And then I was just like, my God, to climb the mountain. And now I I've got nothing. So I wrote my morning pages and I said I'd really love to release the studio to the next beautiful owner and the 31st of March feels really good for me.
00:07:39:09 - 00:07:52:04
And this was November 2022. So you know what I'm about to say? Lo and behold, I handed the keys over to the new You owner on the 31st of March this year, 2023. That's cool.
00:07:52:06 - 00:07:53:09
Super cool.
00:07:53:11 - 00:08:14:13
Yeah, it's it's just, you know, look, I'm preaching to the converted here and I but it's, you know, that kind of power of do we want to say I didn't even like the word manifestation. I like to say make real, you know, the power of making something real. Yeah. Yeah. So was was yeah. The journey. Yeah. And so that was March and then march to now where we are, where we sit.
00:08:14:15 - 00:08:32:20
It's been a few months of. Yeah. Getting him back. Yeah. Yeah. But I finally feel like, you know, I was reflecting. Yeah. Before we'd had these chat I thought, she's back. Come back now. Yeah. It's been. Yeah, a few months. Yeah.
00:08:32:22 - 00:08:46:04
That sounds a lot like Chris used it on a gym. Yeah. Before we before COVID. And yet the amount of renos and changes, it's like what did you get up to? You made a strong .4.0 was.
00:08:46:08 - 00:08:47:14
00:08:47:16 - 00:08:56:13
609. It is taxing having a brick and mortar as health or wellness facility. It's it's huge, huge.
00:08:56:15 - 00:09:35:15
It's with with poor, poorly defined boundaries. It's hard like just to finish your sentence, add a comma at the end of that it's hard to have a brick and mortar health and wellness business with unhealthy and undefined boundaries and external validation. Low priority and low valuing of self. I think when not everybody. But but I. We might be just cutting off.
00:09:35:15 - 00:09:42:08
Yeah. GERSON Oops. I think our Internet just did something weird.
00:09:42:10 - 00:09:43:17
And I thought it was as loyal.
00:09:43:17 - 00:09:45:03
As we might edit that.
00:09:45:06 - 00:09:46:06
That's okay.
00:09:46:08 - 00:09:48:18
We're back. Yes. So you were saying?
00:09:48:18 - 00:10:03:20
LOW yeah. When when you prioritise others over prioritising self, it becomes easy to burn out that the conditions are perfect.
00:10:03:22 - 00:10:28:10
What do you like? If you think back with more wisdom in hindsight, the deepest, the deepest root cause are we call it? What's the root cause of the burnout in the first place? Because there was obviously a lot of stuff that you were managing and you know, this moving based and then family. But what do you think was the driver of that?
00:10:28:12 - 00:10:54:10
And gosh, you know, there's probably a few things that come to mind It. It almost feels like I mean, like you say, Chris, it's almost eight. Well, yeah, it's like pull boundaries and almost really scattered energy and this validation outside of yourself, like it's it's a little bit of the illusion that, you know, when I've got this and I've done that and this is here, I'm finally going to be a success.
00:10:54:12 - 00:11:23:11
And I will. And also that deep seated belief that I don't give up at all. I would rather drop than surrender, which, you know, is is well, it's not great. It's not great. And almost, you know, I and my I adore my mother. However, I have my mother's voice in my head and she was a business owner and a very successful business side.
00:11:23:12 - 00:11:44:20
But she was the kind that you would and mums style of business was you get a business, you build it up, you absolutely flog yourself, then you sell it, then you get to have a break and then you go again. So, you know, it's just interesting even patterning and what you know or what you I don't know how you've been raised.
00:11:44:20 - 00:12:00:02
And I think I you know, I look back and I think I totally did my mum. Yeah. Like I don't know if I answered that but I guess Yeah, Yeah. Tightening around business with my mum and just. Yeah. That at all cost.
00:12:00:04 - 00:12:19:04
Yeah. And that's, that's for better or for worse. That was the, that was the gift that you were given from Mum and the cards that you were dealt in the game. Can't have what you've not been given. That's what you were given. It's not your fault but it's your responsibility to do something with it. Right.
00:12:19:06 - 00:12:20:05
00:12:20:07 - 00:12:51:09
Yeah. Yeah. We see that a lot with, with the health and wellness industry peeps that this, this such a gentle, awesome giving, wanting to serve this love for others, this prioritisation of others. Then you add in stories and meanings passed on from, from parents and maybe even their parents. It's a collision course with burnout isn't it.
00:12:51:11 - 00:13:13:22
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you know probably this need to and I'm going to say the word to prove yourself. Like, Look, Mum, you know, I'm doing it, you know, pushing through like it's. And not that, you know, my mother, I mean, I've got a very beautiful mother, very well-meaning mother, and that would not be the story, but it's my interpretation, right?
00:13:14:00 - 00:13:16:03
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:13:16:05 - 00:13:20:05
Look at me, Mum. I'm a real business owner. I see. Look at me.
00:13:20:07 - 00:13:22:09
Yes. Yeah.
00:13:22:11 - 00:13:23:05
00:13:23:07 - 00:13:38:03
Interesting, isn't it, when you reflect and go Ah, not that. Yeah. And you know it's even being, you know, I talk to mom a bit now and I'll say things to her and she'll, it's almost like we're some things got lost in translation. Like I made it mean something, but it wasn't.
00:13:38:05 - 00:13:38:09
00:13:38:12 - 00:13:41:04
00:13:41:06 - 00:13:42:02
00:13:42:04 - 00:14:15:09
Sorry. So, yoga instructor also coach. And you are very passionate about helping people develop self-love and self-awareness. Yeah, it's what I. What did you say? What you need to learn or embody. We then take on it as our passion and purpose. We say your message is the message. Why do you think? Because this. This lack of love, this of self.
00:14:15:11 - 00:14:46:03
There aren't a lot of people that can like hand on heart, say I deeply love and respect myself. And also there's also quite a locker, quite a lack of awareness as well. And so we see this in our practice a lot and it's often a deeper root cause that leads to body burn out in the first place. So why do you think why do you think that there's this is generational, this even like cultural pattern where people have just disconnected with themselves.
00:14:46:05 - 00:14:49:10
There isn't the love, there isn't the awareness.
00:14:49:12 - 00:15:15:10
Yeah, it's there's so many probably answers to that feeling really like, you know, gosh, you know, so many answers to that question. But if I think about, you know, we just I think you know, and I think I feel if I look at all the women I work with, there's this deep rooted story that we're just not enough.
00:15:15:12 - 00:15:40:01
And I'm even going to speak for a woman being in a being a size 16 body and teaching yoga. And I even think about, you know, the journey to becoming a yoga teacher. You know, when I first started to to want to become a yoga teacher, I thought, I'm going to go on stage, be a teacher to do this yoga practice because I loved yoga and had a love of the philosophy, but I'm not going to teach because who am I to teach?
00:15:40:03 - 00:16:13:16
You know, who am I to stand in front of a class in a size 16 body like that? That's not what the what a yoga teacher looks like. And I think, you know, that is almost like the story of everyone else. It just sounds looks different. Who am I to because I'm not this or that. So I think that that not enough ness comes from this story that whether we're not in the right body shape or the right high school, the right colour or the right piece of the right, that there's this deep seated thing that we don't see ourselves as ever enough or good enough.
00:16:13:18 - 00:16:37:18
So then we reject our self and we judge our self minutes. You know, it's it's the illusion almost. And then now you know, in this day and age with social media, I think that the environment is harsh, very harsh. So we're being pulled further away from our self, you know, further away because we're exposed to so many things, even just that example around yoga.
00:16:37:18 - 00:17:00:01
You know, if you were to look at some yoga accounts, let's say on social media, people would would think yoga is just not for me when it is actually for every body. Yeah, it's for everybody. But if you were to fall as some news accounts, you just wouldn't say, then there's that whole not enough ness. And that's just one example.
00:17:00:01 - 00:17:10:10
I mean, we could probably switch that out. So I guess did I even answer the question? I am answered that question. That's from my perspective.
00:17:10:10 - 00:17:28:18
Yeah, I we would agree too. Like the deeper root is the beliefs that you have about yourself. And usually if your body or if your patterns are if your life is showing up just functionally, then there's usually dysfunctional beliefs underneath that actually always. Not usually always.
00:17:28:20 - 00:18:05:07
Yeah. Hope that not enough ness shows up differently for for everybody. I'm noticing that you've mentioned to I'm writing down in my little scribble pad to to that that a really they really resonate with me this this way of doing business that that was instilled upon you by culture like mom and things like that. And so that led you to prove, defend, work, try all that sort of stuff.
00:18:05:09 - 00:18:30:20
But then also the aesthetic, the there's a way of doing business, and then there's a way of looking like a yoga instructor in, in, in mind. In the mind right. And then that can lead you to prove, defend, try all that sort of stuff.
00:18:30:22 - 00:18:32:22
So for people who are listening along in their lives.
00:18:32:22 - 00:18:34:12
Like they should do what you think you should.
00:18:34:12 - 00:18:37:14
Do. Yeah.
00:18:37:16 - 00:18:43:03
Sorry. You go first. We'll edit this stuff out.
00:18:43:05 - 00:18:47:05
Sorry, the internet broke up. Sorry. Say it again.
00:18:47:07 - 00:18:53:01
You know, usually you're going to say the shoulds, the shoulds.
00:18:53:03 - 00:19:10:00
Yeah. It's all the shoulds, isn't it? The shoulds. I should be doing this and I should be showing up on that. And unless I'm that, I'm not going to and that was even part of me becoming even saying you have to be yoga teacher. You know, the shoot is when I lose ten kilos, then I can be a yoga teacher.
00:19:10:00 - 00:19:31:18
I thought, Well, what if I lose ten kilos is never going to be a yoga teacher. So I thought, well over that should win. I'm just going to go and do it. So it's, you know, pushing past that. I guess it's because all the shoulds and the codes and Yeah that, that constant self. Yeah. Disapproval which I guess pushes people to the brink.
00:19:31:20 - 00:19:56:01
Yeah. So for people who are listening along and they're like this is hitting something or resonating, what would you say is how do you even want to use the word easy, simple, easy, or first steps or just steps that people can do or be to connect back to themselves? Where would you where would you usually start?
00:19:56:03 - 00:20:29:00
Even on the I mean, let's say, yoga, I'm going to say yoga, but I'm going to say a very, very restorative yoga class. And if I think about my path back to coming home again, you know, I'm a yoga teacher. Is restorative yoga like actually nervous system decompression, like completely letting that nervous system really find an equilibrium again, because when you've got your foot on the gas all the time, it's yeah, you're, you're strung out.
00:20:29:00 - 00:21:02:03
You can't even think straight like you you're on this, you know, you foot's on the gas, you're you're running at a pace and then you can't even slow down. Like, it's almost like then it's really hard to slow down. So I love a good yin yoga or restorative class. Just and I'm going to be honest, when you are in that state where you're foot's on the gas and your mind is racing, it can actually be really confronting and extremely uncomfortable to be in a yoga class restorative where each posture is held for around 5 minutes.
00:21:02:03 - 00:21:16:04
And and sometimes the teacher's talking and sometimes the teacher's quiet. And I can remember even going to restorative yoga and feeling really irritated one class because the teacher talked too much, next class irritated because she didn't talk enough.
00:21:16:06 - 00:21:16:20
You know.
00:21:16:22 - 00:21:39:07
It's it's and really, it wasn't about the teacher. It was about me having to actually be with myself and actually be alone with my thoughts as uncomfortable as that is, it's then getting back to self and being able to feel the emotions. Because that word that I used before, when I got into the car with Brendan, I knew I was done numb.
00:21:39:11 - 00:22:02:23
Yeah, I was completely numb. And you know, another measure for me too, was my creativity had just left me. I was like, my goodness. So, so, you know, and in business, we know that, you know, there's going to be that creativity part of our marketing and campaigns and creativity and yoga class. You know, as a teacher, how can I be creative and express here when I'm teaching?
00:22:02:23 - 00:22:04:13
And I knew that that was another sign.
00:22:04:13 - 00:22:07:13
So getting quiet.
00:22:07:15 - 00:22:29:02
In a yoga class are really slow yoga class where there's a bit of movement because I also know that moving the energy is helpful too. So a bit of movement and a little bit of mindfulness for me, yoga. But I mean, it could be a walk, couldn't it? But for me it was it was still that yoga movement, but at a very slower pace.
00:22:29:04 - 00:22:56:12
I found that was so true for me when I first started doing like the longer yoga poses or meditation. I, I would go so far as saying I used to hate it because it did. It was like I couldn't get I couldn't get into that like, zone. And then I'd get frustrated at myself that I wasn't. And then I get frustrated at myself for getting frustrated with myself.
00:22:56:14 - 00:23:19:10
So if other people are feeling like that because when people are in this state of body burn out, burning the candle at birthing ends, running perfectionism patterns, are you ever doing And I know to life like there's different practices that we do with clients and some of them really struggle to get into that state to do it. What do you like?
00:23:19:10 - 00:23:22:05
How do you break through that resistance?
00:23:22:07 - 00:23:48:17
I think to short, you know, the shorter, the better. And you're the illusion that things have to take a long time. And like I say, like little hacks I think are fabulous little short mindfulness hacks or short little bursts, because then you feel like you've had a win because there's nothing worse than thinking, I'm going to meditate or I'm going to do some yoga and then feeling like you're just not good at it.
00:23:48:19 - 00:24:10:16
And like you just said, fully judging yourself for not doing it. So I think the shorter, the better in the beginning, too. You're ready. It's like it's it's it's building up that muscle, isn't it? It really is. But it's almost like the mindfulness or the meditation or the slowing down muscle. So short is good and I'm talking like five, 7 minutes.
00:24:10:16 - 00:24:13:08
That short? Yeah. Yeah.
00:24:13:10 - 00:24:41:07
So talking about hacks, you have, I think this is your term because I haven't heard it anywhere else. And now whenever I say it, I'm like, Emma, 21 minutes of morning magic. So you've got a free Facebook for that, which I will put in the note or so you're writing or you're about to publish a book or a handbook around that can you tell us a bit more about why it's important to create a beautiful morning routine?
00:24:41:07 - 00:24:45:02
And also, I'm curious why 21 minutes. Yes.
00:24:45:06 - 00:25:04:00
So I, I was actually leaving the yoga studio one morning and I was thinking about my own practice had dropped off me more. I've just for a yoga class, but when you teach a yoga class, I give the example. Teaching a yoga class is like being in the car, but you're driving, whereas when you come to class, your passenger like it's different.
00:25:04:00 - 00:25:26:13
So when you drive, you can't just be hanging out, cruising, looking out the window, feeling it, you know, you've got to be driving. So I was leaving, even though I think it was like, you know, my 12th class, I'd taught that week, I thought to myself, I'm really missing my own practice here. I don't know if I can afford myself this hour long practice or like some people.
00:25:26:13 - 00:25:29:19
Chris How long? But anyway, we went pick on Chris.
00:25:29:21 - 00:25:35:18
Christie's morning routine, sometimes like one, 2 to 3 hours.
00:25:35:20 - 00:25:38:05
I'm a special case.
00:25:38:07 - 00:26:01:15
No, you're a smart man. I say. So I was leaving the studio and I thought to myself, Surely I can hack this morning practice. So on the morning that I did it, I ran up a few people. I thought all it needs to be 7 minutes of yoga, 7 minutes of meditation, and 7 minutes. I call it Floetry because I'm a romantic, but it's really just journaling.
00:26:01:15 - 00:26:17:09
But when I say Floetry, it's because I say, Don't let your pen come off the paper even if you're stuck. Right? I'm stuck. But don't take your pen off the paper. Like make it like a free write. So then I thought, Great, I'm going to start this 20 minutes in morning practice. And I ran it by a few friends.
00:26:17:09 - 00:26:38:19
So I started the the group and just at all who Will wants to practice with me Because the other part of it is, is accountability and showing up. So I know that if you actually say I'm going to be there and if it's 21 minute, I think that's achievable and it's doable. So then I started to create just pretty much because I thought the other thing is to anchor you in the practice thrust is to rock up.
00:26:38:19 - 00:27:02:02
It takes a lot of time to be, you know, a person that can just sit in silence without a mantra or a person that can just think of their own yoga postures or think of their own journal prompt. So I thought, I'm just going to create a very simple theme for the morning. So it's self focus. And, you know, for instance, a yoga posture, posture will compliment whatever the theme is.
00:27:02:04 - 00:27:17:19
You know, for instance, if it's around the heart, it'll be some heart open as, you know, whatever it is. And then we have a mantra which anchors because when the mind starts to wander, just a march to come back. And it might just be simply, I am love know. So we sit there, the mind wanders, call it back.
00:27:17:19 - 00:27:36:12
I am love, You know, every time the mind wanders in that 7 minutes. And then the last part, the flow tree. There's just a guided prompt that will ask you a question. So it's pretty much 7 minutes of very simple yoga, very gentle yoga, 7 minutes of meditation with an anchor mantra or statement, and then 7 minutes of poetry.
00:27:36:15 - 00:27:53:00
And in 21 minutes it's done. And you know how quick you guys and you're often, often I'll get a message and someone say, Ooh, that was a powerful, sultry prompt. When we finished, I continued writing, you know, And then other people say to me, That was really hard. I was stuck. But, you know, each day there's a different theme.
00:27:53:00 - 00:28:00:05
And hence the book is 365 Days of, you know, one of those each day.
00:28:00:07 - 00:28:02:01
Zero, right? That's awesome.
00:28:02:03 - 00:28:31:17
Yeah. So it's in it, you know, and this is a thing, you know, I think overcomplicating things and the personality type that I am, I want to have a win. I want to know that I've done it, that I have, you know, I've, I've did good today, I did my morning practice and, you know, I often say it's the gift that keeps on giving, you know, and particularly because at 6 a.m. in the morning when you first get up, if you can kind of anchor that statement before you know, anybody shitty committee gets up and has its coffee and tells you, you know, and the emails start in the social media just to 21 minutes
00:28:31:17 - 00:28:49:08
to yourself, you know, that's, that's that's a start, you know, and then, you know, the days can expand. Great. But if you can just do 21 minutes it's yeah it's, it's just something for you, you know it's Yeah. So that's how it was born. Just a little life hack for me when I have the studio.
00:28:49:08 - 00:28:53:12
I love it. I can feel Chris's creativity.
00:28:53:14 - 00:28:54:04
Can you see.
00:28:54:05 - 00:28:57:23
Ideas like kind of like doing like it is like, yeah, I.
00:28:58:00 - 00:29:03:09
Love it. It's so good. I am in fantasyland right now. I'm like.
00:29:03:10 - 00:29:07:10
You need in that show to bring podcast podcast.
00:29:07:12 - 00:29:32:00
Okay, So I have intuitively picked up what you're putting down. I think I do what you're doing. I'm like the other person who does the extra bits as well. Like, I'll go for a I call, it's a rock, like a put a backpack on and go for a walk along the beach, up the bush and then go for a swim.
00:29:32:02 - 00:29:53:12
And then if I'm up for a do around to read a book, do some stuff. So I do I, I see such power in what you've said, especially for for anyone who's living a busy life. 21 minutes. You got that. If you don't got that. Well, that that sounds like it might be a problem then.
00:29:53:13 - 00:29:54:03
00:29:54:05 - 00:29:56:06
Like about you might fix that.
00:29:56:10 - 00:29:56:21
00:29:57:02 - 00:30:26:14
Yeah. Yeah. Because it's exactly right if you can't carve out 21 minutes. I feel you. Yeah. Yeah, there is. Yeah, there is. There's a little bit of taking stock that needs to happen because 21 minutes is, you know, we, we, let's hope we can all afford our self 21 minutes. And you know, even if, let's say the scenario is that you have children and the time is not right, get them to do it with you like it's you know, we all practice together.
00:30:26:14 - 00:30:38:07
That said accountability thing. You know if it it doesn't have to be solo all the time it can be collective and there is power in the collective to you. There's something really beautiful about that too. Yeah.
00:30:38:09 - 00:31:06:04
I remember when I was first really intentionally reprogramming deeper unconscious core beliefs. Okay, This was back when I hated doing this sort of stuff in. My coach said 6 minutes to 6 minutes in the morning and there was kind of like a different thing that I did every minute. And I only did the 6 minutes once. And then every other time, 20, 30 minutes, it was just like it was all I needed.
00:31:06:06 - 00:31:24:09
That small little hack, as you say, that small little like time frame for me to say, yes, I can commit to that. And then my body just followed. And then it ended up being like, Whoa, that was 30 minutes today. wow, I'm getting good at this. You know, just enjoying it, like, rather than taking it off as a to do.
00:31:24:09 - 00:31:28:20
I actually just immersed myself and became the practice.
00:31:28:22 - 00:31:49:00
Yeah. And because you get the feeling right. So once you get that feeling, that's what pulls you back because you go, God, that feels good. I like that feeling that because that nervous system, you know, even, you know, often the treatments will do a bit of breathwork to, you know, just to drop that nervous system in And you're also the mythology and even Chris is just attested to that.
00:31:49:00 - 00:32:10:00
You know, I think movement is great first like because if we're just a transit meditation straight out of bed sit meditation, people get sleepy, I get sleepy, you can't be straight a bit little bit of movement because it activates, you know, well, you know, yoga philosophy, your chakras, your energy systems. It just starts to get you firing. Then you're able to sit, then you're able to slow it out.
00:32:10:02 - 00:32:16:09
So I feel like the little bit of movement is fabulous. Before you sit. What? In my experience, yeah.
00:32:16:11 - 00:32:41:16
What about for people? Because we I mean, clients, maybe listeners to chronic fatigue where it's where it's almost like I can't get up at six or, or like sleep is actually more of a priority at the moment for healing as opposed to waking up 20 minutes earlier. Like, do you, do you find that this can be done at any time of the day to get the same results?
00:32:41:17 - 00:33:12:01
Absolutely. Yeah. And I I'll often say that to people because I agree fully. I would rather say sleep is priority over this. Without a doubt. This can be done at the back end of the day. Yeah, it could be done in the middle of the day. Like it doesn't have to be. Soon as you get up. It is great if you can, but if you're at that stage where that's just not even doable and sleep, that extra bit of sleep is is more helpful during any stage of the day.
00:33:12:03 - 00:33:34:01
Like it doesn't really matter as long as your nervous system, gait and nervous system is getting a decompress, but also pen to paper because we cannot write as fast as we can think and talk, it really gets you to slow down. So I like to say that's when your voice of wisdom can really start to speak to you, because we can.
00:33:34:01 - 00:33:53:09
And often a lot of us can talk quicker than we can speak and think, but we often can't write as quick as we can think. So it's that slowing down, too. And that's why your great question, what we always say, a great question gets a really good answer. We even the questioning just starts to evoke those things because often that's what will happen to you.
00:33:53:09 - 00:34:14:16
If you were to sit there and say Journal people what I journal about work, what do you write about? So a question and it can be just a really random question. It doesn't even need to be, you know, a deep question. It's going to change your life. It can be really simple question that just gets you in that flow and also that creativity.
00:34:14:16 - 00:34:31:10
Again, you know, I think that's you know, for me, like I said, was a sign that I was definitely burnt out when that creativity felt like it had left the building. Yeah, that wasn't fun. Yeah. So even just that writing gets that flowing again.
00:34:31:11 - 00:34:38:23
You're like, your voice is lulling me. I feel really relaxed when you talk.
00:34:39:00 - 00:34:40:15
Sleepy me feely.
00:34:40:17 - 00:35:10:04
No, I'm not getting sleepy. It's just it's just you have a very lovely, relaxing, calm vibe to you and it's so nice being. All right. Sorry if our listeners want to connect with you and find out more about you. So in the show notes, I definitely going to put in, well, a link to your socials and all that sort of stuff, but also to the your Facebook group.
00:35:10:04 - 00:35:11:21
Do you want to talk about that?
00:35:11:22 - 00:35:33:20
Yeah, absolutely. So anyone and everyone is welcome to join. So it purely is just a Facebook group that I go live every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning at 6 a.m. and people come and join me live and I deliver the I do the yoga with you. So 7 minutes of yoga. Then we sit and meditate. So I literally have my eyes closed in the mantra for 7 minutes.
00:35:33:20 - 00:36:00:18
And then I'm writing with you, and then I seal the practice at the end and say, Have a wonderful day, Namaste day. And then we go off and then usually them comments and says good morning or gives a little feedback, maybe what they did like or what they experienced. And then we go on our merry way and then through the day people will also pop in and do the practice later on in the day because exactly like you said, relief, sleep or, you know, other commitments have come out.
00:36:00:18 - 00:36:20:07
So it's simply that and, you know, some some of my people will watch the same one all week and then Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, there's fresh ones again. And I still post the Floetry prompt and the mantra every day. So even the day that I not live, I still post it. So you've got a fresh one there if you want to do it just alone.
00:36:20:09 - 00:36:28:15
So it's just it can ability we all gather together and then of course the book will come out where it's the whole 365 days.
00:36:28:19 - 00:36:31:03
When is that happening?
00:36:31:05 - 00:36:35:14
So I would have to say by December.
00:36:35:15 - 00:36:36:23
00:36:37:01 - 00:36:53:09
However, just it just depends on I've got a lovely person formatting for me and a couple of other things happening, but I've done my bit of it, which is wonderful. And, and just like you feel what an achievement each finished year.
00:36:53:11 - 00:37:01:21
Everything of the book baby.
00:37:01:23 - 00:37:03:22
it takes.
00:37:04:00 - 00:37:11:11
00:37:11:13 - 00:37:15:00
Seems to happen every 10 minutes.
00:37:15:02 - 00:37:27:14
It's interesting. do you. That's a long press.
00:37:27:16 - 00:37:28:08
00:37:28:10 - 00:37:29:16
00:37:29:18 - 00:37:31:20
That's the way I want to go.
00:37:31:22 - 00:37:38:06
That was just like we were just about to say goodbye. Anyway, we will do it now.
00:37:38:08 - 00:37:45:02
But before we do that, ha ha.
00:37:45:04 - 00:37:56:01
I just did a podcast before you and it was totally fine. But our internet's a bit weird because we live coastal and rural and it's just upgraded.
00:37:56:01 - 00:38:13:16
So it's really, really fast comparative to where it was before. But I was just looking at the times for our conversation today. It's dropped out every 10 minutes. That's it. That's interesting. Yeah, that's. and it did another No, I was ten before that.
00:38:13:18 - 00:38:22:00
Okay, let's pause and we will do the end so it doesn't just like abruptly the book Baby.
00:38:22:02 - 00:38:23:11
You might have to do a bit of editing.
00:38:23:11 - 00:38:26:14
Yeah. You say, you say goodbye. Thanks.
00:38:26:15 - 00:38:29:08
Do, do want to. Where did we get up to before?
00:38:29:11 - 00:38:34:06
No, that's fine. Yeah, we ended the sentence, so. That's okay. We were just talking about the book.
00:38:34:09 - 00:38:35:19
The books. Okay.
00:38:35:20 - 00:38:42:20
No, that's fine. I felt like that was a closed sentence.
00:38:42:22 - 00:38:44:03
00:38:44:04 - 00:38:46:22
And if not? Well, we like.
00:38:47:00 - 00:39:11:19
the cool thing is. So we've got this recording in two places. Emma We've got two through Zoom for more for video stuff, but I'm recording it through our audio thing. So yeah, we have really good audio and we'll chop that up into something amazing.
00:39:11:20 - 00:39:26:19
Yeah, it'll be fine. We just send out via EA's awesome. His Yeah, he actually told me today something he does with the and I'm like I didn't even know you could do such a thing. Like, you're proud of it, right? All right.
00:39:26:21 - 00:39:58:22
We'll wrap it up. Okay. Thanks so much for coming on the on the show today, Emma. It's been awesome hearing about your morning routine. I love it. I think it sounds amazing and I'm excited to to be able to have more conversations with you in the future. And also, if any of our lovely listeners would like to go click the show notes to Emma's Facebook page, join in her lovely community.
00:39:59:04 - 00:40:04:12
But thanks everybody for listening. It's been awesome. Have the best day ever and we'll talk to you soon.
00:40:04:14 - 00:40:09:10
Thank you.
00:40:09:12 - 00:40:19:14
Thank you so much for listening. We so appreciate you. If you'd like to give us extra smiles, drop us a review and spread the love. By sharing this episode.
00:40:19:16 - 00:40:37:23
You can also write your own state of burnout and the root cause Contribute is by taking out ending body burnout assessment on our website. And if you're interested in learning about our group one on one ending Body burn out programs, shoot us a DM via Instagram or Facebook. Have the best day ever.