00:00:03:07 - 00:00:16:23
Hello and welcome to the ending Body Burn Out Show. We are your host, Chris and Philly co-founders of a award winning functional medicine practice, serving busy people with energy, mood and gut issues.
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While busyness, addictive doing, people pleasing and perfectionism might be the norm. It's not normal and it's a major contributor to health issues.
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Our goal with this show is to give you a holistic root, root cause approach to healing your body so that you don't have to continue doctor or diet hopping or popping any gazillion supplements hoping something might stick.
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Sorry, get ready to heal your body, get your spark back deeply, connect with yourself and step into the light of your dreams.
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Let's dive in.
00:00:57:22 - 00:01:06:18
Welcome, guys, to this episode of the ending Body Burnout Show. We are Chris and Philly super excited to do this one with you.
00:01:06:18 - 00:01:09:20
Yeah, so excited to talk about money, money.
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00:01:11:02 - 00:01:37:20
And trauma and body burn out. Now there's a few reason why why we're doing this episode today. Next week, we actually have a really exciting week of healing goodness where we're going to drop a whole heap of free content for you guys. So next week we're kicking off with our three day live event called Uncovering the Connection of Body Burn Out and Trauma that kicks off on the 16th.
00:01:37:22 - 00:02:04:10
On day one, we're going to take you through a functional medicine perspective on what trauma is and how it affects the body systems. On day two, weight and coaching through the missing piece of health health care. When it comes to trying to fix the body burn out symptoms. And on day three, we're going to share one of Alma's favourite rewire practices to help really shift data baggage in the unconscious so that your body can actually heal.
00:02:04:12 - 00:02:23:22
So make sure that you register for that. It is free will pop the link in the show notes, and for all those who are attending live, you're going to get access to $500 worth of epic bonuses and make sure you block out your calendar and catch up with us live next week.
00:02:24:00 - 00:02:28:04
Giddy up. All right, let's roll this one. Hey. Yes, money.
00:02:28:04 - 00:02:53:11
Okay. Yes. So why are we talking about money on a health podcast? Well, a few reasons, actually. The stats show us that money worries financial worries are at the top of life stressors. So there were a lot of studies. One study showed that there are 61.3% of Australians rate finances as the top cause of their stress in their life.
00:02:53:11 - 00:03:15:21
And that was just one study. Lots of other studies show you that and it's showing up in a lot of other countries around the world as well. So we wanted to dig into this because it would be remiss of us if we didn't dig into why money is so stressful and also talk about how you can actually release money issues so that your body can heal.
00:03:15:23 - 00:03:50:09
Money is so stressful, Money is so stressful. Is it is money itself stressful? You can tell it's not the money. I mean, what even is it? Does it even really exist? How is it really stressful or is it perceptions and attitudes and that sort of thing? Stories that you have around money? Is money really stressful? Do you find money stressful or is it simply your insecurities and stuff type.
00:03:50:09 - 00:04:17:15
Of beliefs, beliefs, trauma patterns? We're going to dig into all of that today. So in terms of money worries having an impact on our health, well, we all know that stress depletes our body systems. So when you're constantly worried about things in a high stress state, you're going to end up in what's called adrenal fatigue. And neurotransmitter depletion because you're going to be producing so much cortisol, so much adrenaline.
00:04:17:17 - 00:04:48:09
And in this fight, fight, fight, flight state, you're not actually able to digest or detox properly. So you've got to start breaking down your liver, become sluggish. We're really going to dig deeper into how the connection between stress and trauma and body systems next week now live on day one. So make sure you register to that. Now, we also wanted to talk about money because it's often the leading reason why people actually don't invest in themselves to heal.
00:04:48:11 - 00:05:06:23
So not only is money causing a lot of stress and health issues, it can also be the thing that actually prevents you from getting the help that you need to heal. Or sometimes I see people spending quite a lot of money, but they kind of throwing away the money a little bit here, a little bit. They're trying to do like quick fixes.
00:05:07:01 - 00:05:35:03
You see that a lot when people are trying a bucket load of different supplements or maybe they're doing ad hoc consults with different doctors or different practitioners without actually getting help less stick in a whole and deep root cause approach. So what's really interesting around this investment of money when it comes to healing from body burnout is that although a lot of people will say, no, I can't do that, cost too much money, it's actually rarely about the money.
00:05:35:05 - 00:06:01:16
So there's there's three reasons, three reasons why it's actually not about the money, but it's about number one would be, well, they're not. That person actually doesn't value spending their money on their health or on that service that might actually give them solutions and have a vibrant health. I mean, I've seen these in the past, you know, on two spectrums.
00:06:01:16 - 00:06:28:00
So we had a homeless client on a disability pension with very little money, yet she invested a good amount of her money in our ending body burn out program because it was really important to her. She was at the lowest of lows and without a health, she had nothing. She actually was probably could have died had she not actually invested in her health.
00:06:28:02 - 00:06:44:05
On the opposite side, I remember a client as going back quite a few years now, but she had a connect the dots, initial console and everything was going great. She's like, Yes, yes, yes, sounds awesome. Let me do all the tests. Told you how much they are. And she's like, that's a lot of money. Can't afford that.
00:06:44:05 - 00:07:08:03
I'm like, That's okay. You could just start off with the most important one. I think a train or test would be really great for you. It's $175. She baulked at that price. And it was interesting because this lady had no children in her mid-forties with a husband. Both of them had good, stable, high paying jobs, lovely house and cars and regular holidays.
00:07:08:03 - 00:07:36:23
So I highly doubt it was that she couldn't afford it. It was just that she didn't value the the results that she could get through that process. Also, a really common reason why people bring up money as and don't have enough money can't afford it. It's actually less about they can't afford it and more about their belief as to whether they can actually do it and get the results.
00:07:37:01 - 00:08:01:04
And we'll talk a bit more about that and also some people struggle to invest in themselves because it money is really scary. It's scary to spend money. It pokes on deeper old wounds and deeper beliefs that you have about yourself and money. And we really want to dig into this side of things today because it's it's something that not many people are aware of.
00:08:01:04 - 00:08:15:13
They feel like money is the trigger, but it's not. It's just the or money is the trigger. But the deeper reason as to why you're feeling stressed around money spending, it's saving it, making it out. We are going to dive in.
00:08:15:15 - 00:08:42:14
Also. Thing is, there's another thing that that has a foot in each one of those those camps. It's to avoid conflict. I've got to I'm afraid that I'm going to step on toes. My partner will get angry at me, that sort of thing. I know I've chatted to several, several people who have that fear before jumping in to to some sort of healing accelerator.
00:08:42:16 - 00:09:23:12
And often not always, but often when we hear from the partner, it's like, awesome, that sounds great. Yeah, you should do that. And so those fears of conflict were were not founded in in exactness of what our our potential client was feeling. And so I think that's really interesting sometimes people have an away from mentality avoidance of conflict, fear of drama and therefore they don't ask.
00:09:23:14 - 00:09:55:07
which all steps back to trauma and deeper beliefs that you have about yourself. Yeah. So let's talk about money and trauma. So trauma, like a lot of people think that trauma is just the big things, the big, scary, horrible, horrific things that happen. Domestic violence, rape, wars, trauma is actually any past distressing event that you haven't processed properly and instead of it getting stored in the hippocampus is neutral memory, it actually gets stored in the unconscious and it can be small things.
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It can be feeling completely humiliated, it can be chronic health issues. There are so many ways that we experience trauma and these past events that you can have can lead to money. Mindset worries, money scarcity in decisions around how you should spend or save or make your money stress around spending money. And it can also prevent you from making money, especially with business owners where they can kind of just hit this ceiling of revenue even though they have goals and dreams of making a bigger impact.
00:10:31:14 - 00:10:57:01
The past money stories are actually holding them back from doing that. We're going to dig deeper into like what trauma actually is and how it affects the body and leads to body burn out next week. So make sure you sign up for that today. We just really wanted to laser focus on this this money worry story that I feel like is holding a lot of people back and causing a lot of issues.
00:10:57:03 - 00:11:23:21
So so I thought I might share my own story and my own relationship with money because I have worked through layers and layers and layers of stories about myself and money to be able to be free of money worries. So as a kid I was a saver. I never spent hardly any money and I started getting external validation.
00:11:23:21 - 00:11:47:22
I started making money when I was eight years old because our dad had a flower farm and we were out there every weekend. All the holidays, planning bulbs, winter, summer. It was awful. But anyway, so I started making money at eight and I started saving it and I started getting external validation from my parents. Look at Phili. She's so good at saving.
00:11:47:22 - 00:12:17:20
You should be like her. Them talking to my siblings. Tony, You should stop spending so much money. Be like Philly. And so all of a sudden I'm like, Ooh, this feels good. Saving money feels good. I get external validation when I can save money and part of my deeper unconscious core beliefs about myself that were created sort of around the same time too, was around being weakened, incapable and less than my siblings, especially my older sisters.
00:12:17:20 - 00:12:47:16
So I started creating this pattern of saving because it made me feel good. I got external validation. I'm like, maybe I am okay at something. Maybe I'm better than them at something. Maybe I actually am capable. And while it was kind of cute and innocent when I was little, it caused a lot of issues. Growing up as a teenager in my early twenties when I left home, and definitely when we got married and also when we started businesses.
00:12:47:18 - 00:13:15:00
So my siblings called me stingy. I remember when I first moved out, I lived in this cold as flat in winter time. It sometimes snowed very occasionally, but it was very frosty and I was sorry, stingy. Didn't want to have a big electricity bill, so I just wouldn't put a heater on. And that was a running joke in my family that I was like the Scrooge and stingy fairly because I never spent money.
00:13:15:04 - 00:13:38:06
And that caused a lot of stress even back then, because I was cold, I didn't eat well, I ate a white diet and I really struggled to spend money and have fun, like going out to cafes with friends or going on holidays. When I did, it was a big deal and I had to. I was always stuck in indecision around, is it going to be safe to spend this money?
00:13:38:08 - 00:13:50:19
maybe I'm going to lose it. My bank account is going to be at zero. So super scary. And then when Chris and I got married, we were the complete opposite around money.
00:13:50:21 - 00:13:56:13
He was. Yeah. I don't have anything else. Yes.
00:13:56:15 - 00:14:19:19
So? So Chris was very free. No money worries. He could spend it. He could make it like it was just an energy exchange to him where as I was a bit of a control freak when we first got married. So he also had a lot of. Not a lot by a lot. It was like $4,000 debt, you know, like.
00:14:19:23 - 00:14:25:09
Compared to it compared to you had lots of savings. That was that was huge.
00:14:25:09 - 00:14:30:07
I can't even remember what it was. So it was maybe 50,000, which was pretty good for a university student.
00:14:30:07 - 00:14:31:23
It's flippin awesome.
00:14:32:01 - 00:15:06:10
And so I'm like, now I'm going to have to pay his debt. I'm responsible for him. After debt felt really scary to me. And you'll find out why later on in the story I'm going to share. And then and so it became really controlling when we first got married, probably for a few years, actually. So Chris, way back in the day, worked at Australia Post in the city in Sydney, and instead of him buying lunches, I was always making him like ten Vegemite sandwiches on her brand white bread.
00:15:06:12 - 00:15:10:12
He thought it was lovely. He was like, she cares about me.
00:15:10:14 - 00:15:17:17
But really it was to prevent him from spending money on food.
00:15:17:19 - 00:15:21:18
And then eventually we got a bit fancy and I started adding lettuce leaves in there as well.
00:15:21:22 - 00:15:27:08
As anyone else to Vegemite and lettuce. That was that was how we were all back then.
00:15:27:10 - 00:15:28:17
And then it I think.
00:15:28:21 - 00:15:31:08
I think that's sacrilege in Australia isn't it.
00:15:31:10 - 00:16:02:06
Yeah, probably. I think over time to go it had had enough because it started becoming quite controlling in terms of what you did for hobbies, playing basketball. If you wanted to do a certification for a petty business back then, I was always keeping you underneath my thumb and is a rebel tendency. You kind of start at some point.
00:16:02:08 - 00:16:04:01
Yes. Yes I did.
00:16:04:05 - 00:16:10:23
Yes. You're, you're not saying much.
00:16:11:01 - 00:16:12:02
Did anything to say.
00:16:12:03 - 00:16:31:10
Okay. Well said when it, when the kids came along things got a lot worse too because that's when my own body burn out symptoms, my health issues really manifested and I was kind of in survival mode, victim mode. So I just suppressed a lot of my worries and fears around money and just kind of let Chris do whatever he wanted.
00:16:31:12 - 00:16:36:10
But it just continued to show up again and again in my nervous system and in my body.
00:16:36:12 - 00:16:52:10
Which is, yeah, abdication, flight or even fawning, you know, roll over. You do what you want, that sort of thing. That's a sign of a just regulated nervous system. Hey. Yeah.
00:16:52:12 - 00:17:17:17
Okay. So that was all tied up with, like deeper unconscious core beliefs. So it wasn't ever about the money, It was about what the money meant about me as a person and my ability to make it keep it and spend it. So if I had a deeper unconscious core belief that I was weak and incapable, then of course it was going to show up at some point in my relationship with money.
00:17:17:19 - 00:17:47:06
And so that's why I really got really obsessive around spending it and not saving sorry, saving it and not spending it. Because then in some way I felt safe. I'm like, well, at least I have some. And so therefore I'm not going to get exposed that I'm completely incapable at this this money game. Also, I had deeper, unprocessed trauma around money stuck in my system that made money feel really hard and unsafe and scary.
00:17:47:06 - 00:18:17:18
So as I mentioned before, my dad had a flower farm growing up and my parents worked really hard. We kids worked really hard in the flower farm, so making money felt hard. And it was also unsafe and scary because over the years, Dad's business kind of started struggling. He was a great entrepreneur in terms of vision and ideas and making things happen, but not great with keeping the books and the finances.
00:18:17:19 - 00:18:43:23
And so eventually when I was 14 years old, we almost went bankrupt and I had no idea. I had no idea my parents were in such a pickle. And we ended up selling our beautiful, idyllic childhood home in the country and moved to a different home on a highway right next to a stinky petrol station. And like, it just gutted me.
00:18:43:23 - 00:19:17:03
I was in grief and there was a lot of stress around this time to its parent, my parents and you know, just getting through this hard time. So that was a little hard. But during this time I had three cats, so my beautiful cats, Midget Marley and Marmalade, and three days before we left, before we moved home, my cats disappeared and I'm like, calling out on the farm Marmalade midget Marley, where are you?
00:19:17:05 - 00:19:39:09
And they didn't come to me. And my dad said to me, I think they've run away. And I, and I, I took that on as truth. I'm like, That's really weird. They've run away. Maybe they energetically knew we were moving. So anyway, we moved. I was super sad, lost my home, lost my cats and there was a lot of stress and tension in my family.
00:19:39:11 - 00:20:04:18
And then I can't remember when it was maybe a few months, maybe even a year or so later. But I later found out that my cats didn't run away. My dad had actually killed my cats and that sounds really brutal, but we got to think about the context at the time we were farmers. So, you know, like if your cat has too many cats, generally they go into the dam.
00:20:04:20 - 00:20:41:08
But also my dad's thought pattern was, well, we're going to move to a highway. These cats are going to get run over. It's going to break my daughter's heart. Sorry. It's probably easier just to shoot them. And when I found that out, I was horrified and angry and I felt betrayed. I'd and the belief in the story that I actually created around that traumatic event was that bad things happen when you lose money and I get punished when you lose money.
00:20:41:10 - 00:21:10:02
So not only did I have these deeper unconscious core beliefs around being weakened, incapable, all, but I also had some pretty gnarly broken trauma loops stuck in my unconscious state, going round and round like videotape loops as if it's still happening now in reality. And money was just the trigger for that trauma loop. It's like any time money came up in a conversation, it was that internal tiger causing me to get stuck in fight flight again.
00:21:10:02 - 00:21:16:17
And money was really scary and stressful.
00:21:16:19 - 00:21:52:15
Recap So growing up, some significant emotional events that you're aware of that you noticed as you talked about just then and led you to have meanings, you made meanings, you invented them, you created them works of fiction. And some of those meanings that you made were the bad things happen. And I get punished when we lose money. And so that left you in a state of fight or flight.
00:21:52:17 - 00:21:59:20
Nervous system Dysregulation patterns of scarcity, saving stinginess, Scrooge McDuck mess.
00:21:59:22 - 00:22:06:18
And now anxiety and amnesia issues and hormone issues and gut issues and insomnia especially when COVID came around.
00:22:06:20 - 00:22:28:05
So then you get married to somebody who does not even remotely at all share and can't even conceive those those beliefs. He has his own best stuff, stories that are wonky and distorted, but those ones weren't even close. I didn't have any with.
00:22:28:09 - 00:22:29:12
Any of that stuff.
00:22:29:12 - 00:23:02:17
No, I've my shoes were different to that. We all know I've got issues, so I'm working through working through this. So clash of values, a clash of perceptions and programs. So that's tension. It's like it's a marital tension. You had in into her intro, you had inside of you, you had this this tension inside of you, in your nervous system, in your body.
00:23:02:19 - 00:23:41:09
And so everything's being all the big bits are being pulled, pulled apart. Right. And and that led to we've talked about this before symptomology and, and burnout. Yeah. Yeah. And you can tell it's, you can tell a story, it's story because and you can and therefore you can if you write it you can write something different and you can tell that that's, that's a fact because not everyone shares that fictional fantasy, that fictional belief, that story that, that you have.
00:23:41:09 - 00:23:42:12
So yeah.
00:23:42:14 - 00:24:02:20
Well I think things really came to a head where I'm like, I had this insight that I don't actually think it's about money. Why I'm so stressed. Because when COVID came back then we had a gym that got locked down, which was our mainstream of income back then. And then we're like, what are we going to do?
00:24:02:22 - 00:24:17:07
My sole functional medicine practice. We started pivoting that and turning that into Chris in fully functional medicine and and Chris coming on board with that. So one stressful because I'm like, where is the money going to come from? But also to start directly.
00:24:17:07 - 00:24:18:10
Working with your husband.
00:24:18:12 - 00:24:41:01
Because not specifically you, you're in pain but because Chris is very vision risk taker, big ideas. Let's just try this and see if it works. Whereas it was really scary because what if it you know, I was always a worst case scenario. What if it doesn't work? And so then I started realising that I don't actually think the money issues are outside of me.
00:24:41:01 - 00:24:51:23
I think they're inside of me because Chris and I have the same bank account, the same mortgage, the same children, the same business. He's having the time of his life during COVID and lockdown, flip.
00:24:51:23 - 00:24:52:07
And loved.
00:24:52:07 - 00:25:14:07
It. And here I am turning into an insomniac and all my health issues which had improved a few years ago when I did lab testing and supplements and diets, all came back with a vengeance. And this time the physical stuff didn't heal. It wasn't enough. So I just I knew I had to go deeper and dig deeper to a root the root cause.
00:25:14:09 - 00:25:39:21
And that's where I started working with my own courage to get to deeper unconscious core beliefs and insecurities that were creating my money worries in the first place. And as I did that, so that's where I uncovered the weak, incapable. And as I started reprogramming that, the money stuff started becoming less and less angsty. But it was really hard work.
00:25:39:21 - 00:25:59:13
I remember for the first couple of months, anytime I got triggered by money, I would always have to say to myself, it's not outside of me, it's inside of me. And what does this mean about me? Chris wants to buy a new car triggered if it's not outside of me. It's not about the car or Chris, but it's inside of me.
00:25:59:13 - 00:26:23:18
What does this mean about me? Okay, I think it means that it's scary to spend money. And therefore, if it's scary, there must be something incapable awake about me not being able to handle this situation. It also started showing up around and we built a beautiful house and we moved into a nice brand new house during the COVID period and I was excited.
00:26:23:18 - 00:26:53:10
But when I moved in, I started having these these thoughts around. I don't want to have any of my family members coming to visit because our house isn't not as nice as their house. And so although that's not specifically money, it still materials stick. It's that what we what I had wasn't as good as them. And therefore that makes me somehow incapable or less than over time, though, with the reprogramming, I was able to detach.
00:26:53:12 - 00:27:05:02
It's not a money issue. It's a major issue. And then those thoughts, the triggers just became less and less over time. Something I did. You want to add something?
00:27:05:04 - 00:27:08:19
I was just going to say I love our house.
00:27:08:21 - 00:27:09:17
I love our house.
00:27:09:17 - 00:27:35:08
Three we live in a to live in Portugal. Holly Beach, Paradise, Tasmania. This is this is, I think the population. I'm going to make this up like quadruples. That's statistic not founded in any science, but it gets bigger in in summer it's a tourist tourist destination. We literally live in a beautiful part of the world. It's very, very nice.
00:27:35:08 - 00:27:53:02
Super privileged, super lucky gets Cole, which probably keeps out most people. But, you know, there's there's a program in there, isn't it is like the worst, worst case scenario, black and white perfection. Yeah, these are the things.
00:27:53:04 - 00:28:15:09
And that's where it's like far out. It's not out here. It's not about the house. It's about me. Yeah, our house is lovely. A couple of really good resources that helped me throughout this journey to one lady. Her name is Denise Scott. Phil Thomas. She has an amazing podcast, some great books. Basically, she's a money mindset coach. Highly recommend listening to a potty.
00:28:15:11 - 00:28:40:04
But also the book called Happy Money by Qi Hen some Honda. Honda. Yeah. And he I remember reading some chapters of his books and he started talking about most a lot of people with money worries have actually everyone with money worries has a negative relationship with money. What if they think that it's scary, it's unstable, it's hard, it's negative, it's evil.
00:28:40:06 - 00:29:01:07
And then he started talking about, well, what if you actually started talking to your money as if it were your friend? That money has always got your back. That it's always there for you. Money comes and money goes. It's an exchange. It's also thank you. Money. When you give, you say thank you and you receive, you say thank you.
00:29:01:09 - 00:29:20:23
And so then I just like literally started talking to my money as if it was my friend pulled out my purse to pay for a hairdresser appointment, didn't say it out loud all the time. Felt in public, but take my cash out. Thank you. Money receives the money into our account. Comes up on Stripe in our inbox. Thank you.
00:29:21:00 - 00:29:55:20
And that was really lovely. And also I could see that there was evidence in the past that money was always there for me. It always had my back, even at the lowest of lows when things were tough money, I paid in some way or another and something else that was just, goodness, the last piece of the puzzle that really just like shattered through my money blocks was when I started training in TATP trauma therapy, which is what we do with our clients in our ending body burn out method.
00:29:55:22 - 00:30:23:21
And we worked specifically around the memory in the event of the bankruptcy when I was 14 and dad killing my cats. And I remember it was quite intense. But after that session and it only took one session money box gone like it was like all of a sudden my brain was so excited about money and about how he could spend it and how he could save it and how he could make it.
00:30:23:23 - 00:30:51:17
And and what was really interesting was my brain. The thoughts. Didn't this like the trigger thoughts didn't even pop up anymore. So before the trauma therapy, they were still popping up. But I could really easily reframe them and kind of like get out of the spiral. But after I worked through some distressing events and shifted that from my unconscious, my brain doesn't think about money in the same way at all.
00:30:51:17 - 00:31:06:02
And that is phenomenal because I was living with money scarcity and money is scary. Money is stressful for like, I don't know, 40 years or memories 30, 30 plus years.
00:31:06:04 - 00:31:19:02
I just read your notes. You're about to say that I have to rein you in. Sometimes you feel he's got this little notation, She's got this little note saying, Now Chris has to rein me in around spending money.
00:31:19:04 - 00:31:21:00
So where we.
00:31:21:02 - 00:31:28:22
Now on the podcast listeners know that I write notes for these podcast episodes where.
00:31:28:22 - 00:31:32:03
You say really awesome things. That's why we love you.
00:31:32:03 - 00:31:37:16
We actually I actually put a lot of effort into these episodes. They are well-researched and thought out.
00:31:37:16 - 00:31:39:00
To a lot of work.
00:31:39:00 - 00:31:40:05
Thank you. Right.
00:31:40:05 - 00:31:41:18
I do love our podcasting.
00:31:41:20 - 00:31:45:03
But now you're a spend a night. You know, she's she's not.
00:31:45:03 - 00:31:56:22
I guess the interesting thing is I'm still not like a crazy spend a holic I'm still conscientious and take care of how we utilise our money. But like the other day, different.
00:31:56:22 - 00:31:57:15
Conversations are.
00:31:57:15 - 00:32:05:12
Happening. There were two things that I really want to do in 2020 for Both of them cost around $10,000 each, which in the past fine.
00:32:05:13 - 00:32:05:20
00:32:05:21 - 00:32:29:22
Which in the past. There is no way I would have asked Chris commission to do that or spend that much because I wouldn't have even allowed myself to dare thinking that I deserved to spend $10,000 or that I was capable of doing that and making it back. Whereas the other day, Chris is like, Hold your horses. We might have to like have a meeting, team meeting.
00:32:29:22 - 00:32:31:16
How are we going to spend our money this year?
00:32:31:17 - 00:32:44:01
Yeah, it wasn't a I definitely didn't say no. I just had a well, this year my word is leadership. And I think I demonstrated that in my knowing, my numbers, all that sort of stuff.
00:32:44:01 - 00:32:45:09
My 2020 forward.
00:32:45:09 - 00:32:51:10
This year is pleasure. So you can say while I got really excited about a $10,000 chip trip to India.
00:32:51:14 - 00:32:52:15
This is going to be a relay.
00:32:52:15 - 00:32:54:01
Or may not happen this year.
00:32:54:03 - 00:33:12:22
Really interesting, 2024 I think those two things. So if you've got pleasure, I've got leadership, you know that I'm excited. I wonder what's going to what dynamic are going to shift and what change is going to happen. Pretty cool. Specifically around money, that is. Yeah.
00:33:13:00 - 00:33:35:12
Okay. So if money or trauma or past distressing events is something that you feel is causing you a lot of stress and it's linked to your own nervous system distress and causing your body burn out. And we talked about money today, but it doesn't like it doesn't even have to be money. It could be like for Chris, it was overworking, addictively overworking in ego.
00:33:35:14 - 00:34:04:15
For other people, it might be like really triggering relationships that they just keep falling into again and again. For other people, it might be perfectionism, whatever it is. There's always deeper unconscious core beliefs that are causing those patterns and triggers and often connected with trauma and stressing events that haven't been processed and then therefore keeping you stuck in a flat flight and then therefore breaking down your body system.
00:34:04:15 - 00:34:28:07
So you show up with energy, mood, gut issues and other weird health issues. So if you feel like you've tried the things, you've tried diets, you've tried supplements, maybe you've even done some lab testing, maybe you've done a bit of meditation or yoga or whatever it is, but you're like far out. I feel like I'm still not getting resolution of my health issues or I do when I do the things.
00:34:28:07 - 00:34:45:10
But the moment I stop taking the supplement, my symptoms come back. Then we would love to welcome you or invite you or invite you to learn more about ending body burnout method. So our doors are actually open now. They close on the 23rd of Jan.
00:34:45:12 - 00:34:46:13
00:34:46:15 - 00:34:54:05
2024, which is what, two weeks away? And then we don't we won't accept be accepting any more clients.
00:34:54:05 - 00:34:57:18
We can't Yeah it's, it's not, it's not going to pan out.
00:34:57:20 - 00:35:19:10
And the way that we run the program we take intakes. There's also say the doors declares in 23rd of Jan but also we only have limited spaces because we offer both semi-private and private one on one, which includes one on one support in both options. And there's only so many people, there's only so many Christian families that can take so many people on.
00:35:19:10 - 00:35:54:01
So if the spots fill up and I think we have six left for semi-private, four for private, 1 to 1 if they fill up before the 23rd of Jan, those doors will close. So if you've been super keen to get to the deepest root cause of your body, burn out and end your health issues for good and deeply connect with yourself and create beautiful in yourself and in your life, then go to this show in our links and there'll be a link there around joining the ending body Burnout method will take you to our landing page.
00:35:54:03 - 00:36:17:20
And also, don't forget that we have our three day live next week uncovering the connection between trauma and body burn out. Sorry. Make sure you register for that. That is free. It is a great way to experience the in real time how it is to work with Chris and I and how we coach our clients and also to see if our ending body burn out method is a good fit for you.
00:36:17:20 - 00:36:22:10
If this is the next best step.
00:36:22:12 - 00:36:25:09
Yep. The end.
00:36:25:13 - 00:36:52:07
The end. All righty. Awesome. also, we've created a scorecard too around chronic health issues and trauma. So if you haven't done that yet, it's really anywhere on our website yet. It's just kind of in social media posts or emails, but I'll pop the show note links to to that scorecard. So if you want to see are they deepest off underneath the surface that is actually causing your health issues at a metaphysical, unconscious level, do the scorecard.
00:36:52:07 - 00:36:59:09
It will give you a lot of insights as to if this might be a missing piece in your health recovery firm.
00:36:59:11 - 00:37:13:09
Thank you so much for joining us, guys. Have the best day ever. Take care. Talks in.
00:37:13:11 - 00:37:23:13
Thank you so much for listening. We so appreciate you. If you'd like to give us extra smiles, drop us a review and spread the love by sharing this episode.
00:37:23:15 - 00:37:41:22
You can also write your own state of Burn and the root cause contribute is by taking out ending body burnout assessment on our website. And if you're interested in learning about our group one on one ending body burn out programs, shoot us a DM via Instagram or Facebook. Have the best day ever.