Rewire your brain to end body burnout


Join us for a special 3-part series, to help you unravel the reasons your brain & body are stuck in fight-flight, and how to rewire your whole self so that YOU CAN HEAL!

Register below to access recordings & resources for free until Tue 24 Sept 9pm

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"How To Rewire Your Brain To Heal From Body Burnout"

Are you feeling stressed, burned-out & inflamed?! Struggling with anxiety, fatigue, gut issues, body aches and hormonal imbalances?

Have you tried alllll the supps, diets, meditation, and been through a string of doctors or practitioners?

Are you constantly feeling stuck in fight-flight, and even on holidays you struggle to relax? If this is you - you’ll want to sign up for our FREE Live Coaching Week: Rewire Your Brain To Heal From Body Burnout.

During this
FREE live coaching experience
you'll get:

You will be armed & empowered with knowledge on how to heal your WHOLE self from body burnout

You will discover the missing pieces in your health journey so far

You will get real-time coaching from Chris & Filly - we'll shine a light on any blind spots that are blocking you from healing (this is invaluable!) 

You will be gifted a powerful brain retraining practice that you can listen back to

You will get access to downloads & resources to help you in your healing journey

We aren’t just going to “teach” you stuff - if you show up willing & present, you CAN get a transformation in this live coaching week experience


During the live coaching week,
we'll uncover the following:

Day 1

Rewire Brain Inflammation: It’s Hard To Rewire An Inflamed Brain (& What To Do About It)

Brain rewiring (or brain retraining) is becoming more prevalent in the health space - and rightly so! It has been a missing piece in healing from chronic health issues in standard medicine, as well as in standard functional medicine, naturopathy and nutrition.

In a nutshell, rewiring the brain involves switching the brain out of “fight-flight” and rewiring thoughts, behaviours and pain signals the brain is sending to the body, so a person can heal from chronic symptoms.

What many tend to forget when they are trying to “rewire” the brain using cognitive and somatic practices, is that it is hard to rewire an inflamed brain. The brain is highly plastic. It can always rewire itself. But not as well or as efficiently in the presence of chronic inflammation. Neuroinflammation compromises neuroplasticity. If you are trying to rewire the brain, you can not forget about the body.

On Tue 17 Sept, we'll be going over:

  • How body burnout IS a brain issue
  • How chronic stress, over-doing, perfectionism & people pleasing traumatises the brain
  • Neuroplasticity and what it means to rewire the brain
  • Why it’s hard to rewire an inflamed brain
    Inflammation in the body = inflammation in the brain
  • How to support the body to make retraining the brain easier & more effective
  • Identifying sources of inflammation in the body using functional lab testing
  • Key nutrition & lifestyle changes to reduce brain inflammation

Day 2

Rewire Your Patterns: How To Rewire The Brain So It’s Not A “Bandaid” Approach

In our practice, we go DEEP into a ROOT-root-cause medicine approach - no bandaids here!

A common mistake we see when people are trying to heal from chronic health issues, is that they are using protocols (including natural protocols) to treat symptoms, but not the root.

This might look like taking supplements for adrenal fatigue or liver support, or eating healthy, or exercising, or even ticking off brain rewiring practices like mindfulness, reframing, meditation or breathwork.

It might help to “manage” the symptoms, but it doesn’t resolve them, not fully - or long-term.


Because the deepest root of why you are in body burnout has not been addressed, and this largely comes back to deeper dysfunctional “burnout” patterns you are running, stemming from unconscious core beliefs you have about yourself, stuck emotion and trapped trauma.

In Day 2, we cut past “doing” brain rewiring strategies (which will always end up being a bandaid), and into deeper unconscious rewiring and healing of patterns.

On Wed 18 Sept, we'll be going over:

  • Why “doing” brain rewiring exercises & physical protocols often end up being “bandaids”
  • Help you identify your deeper “burnout” patterns and where they are coming from
  • Are you trying to heal in a way that is blocking your healing?
  • Dive into the coaching frame: “the way you do anything, is the way you do everything” (the reason you’re not healing is the reason you are burned-out)
  • How to move from FORCE into FLOW so rewiring works for you, not against you
  • How to surrender into BEING rather than DOING for ultimate healing & liberation from body burnout

Day 3

Rewire Pain Signals: Create New Neural Pathways Of Safety & Switch Off Symptoms

Now that we’ve dealt with supporting a healthy brain and reprogrammed and cleared deeper root-cause patterns, we’re ready to turn off pain signals from brain to body - in a way that will actually work!

In today’s session, we’ll take you through the mind-body connection.

How a “stuck” fight-flight brain leads to chronic health issues like anxiety, fatigue, gut issues, body pain and inflammation. And how to create new neural pathways of safety to switch off body burnout symptoms.

We’ll also take you through a powerful brain retraining practice so you can FEEL what it’s like to access the power of your mind and hold space and safety for the sensations in your body.

On Fri 20 Sept, we'll be going over:

  • The body-mind connection
  • Limbic system trauma-loop & what causes this part of the brain to get stuck in fight-flight
  • How the brain and neural pathways are connected to physical symptoms and why you can continue being symptomatic even after you have “physically healed”
  • How to rewire the fight-flight brain into safety
  • We’ll take you through a powerful somatic brain rewiring practice to turn off pain

How does the
3 day live coaching experience work?

After you register, you'll receive an email confirmation (make sure to flag our emails as “safe” so they don’t end up in junk). The day before & day of the event, you will receive reminder emails with the ZOOM LINK to join the live workshop. You will be let into the room at the start of the event.

The day of the event, you will be emailed a link to gain access to the recording and resources - for one-week only!

There will also be some fun giveaways & over $500 worth of epic bonuses up for grabs for all those who attend live! And an invite into our Ending Body Burnout Method program, which opens up for early-bird access on 16th Sept (we only open doors a few times a year).

On a mission to end body burnout...
for good!!

We’re putting on this free live coaching week because we are on a mission to end body burnout…for good! I (Filly) have experienced body burnout THREE times, and each time I had to go deeper into discovering the root-cause - not just looking at the physical body, but also the unconscious mind, the nervous system & the brain, and how these other parts of our “body” greatly impact symptoms & your ability to heal.

It took me 10 years to unlock the code - and now I want to accelerate your healing & take you through exactly what I did to resolve my chronic weird health issues - anxiety, insomnia, gut issues, low immunity, body pain, female hormone issues, low energy, chemical sensitivity, histamine intolerance - as well as deep-seated perfectionism, people pleasing & addictive-doing patterns that led to the health issues in the first place.

When you learn how to understand all layers of your WHOLE self & how to align them for healing - THIS is a game changer! You essentially become your own self-healer & self-regulator for life, so you don’t end up in a state of body burnout again.


95% of what you need to heal is already inside of you - you just have to learn how to access your own healing power!

About Chris & Filly

Chris Bellette

Burnout Recovery Coach
Master NLP Practitioner
Human Movement Science Grad
Former athlete & Army reservist
Filly's food taste tester
Beach-loving guitar player

Filipa Bellette

Functional Medicine Practitioner
Clinical Nutritionist, Coach & Trauma Therapist
Author & PhD Scholar
Award-winning author
Mama of 2 girls
Lover of sunshine & good food

Sign up below to get in on this event!