3: Chris’s Body Burnout Story

Episode #3 - Chris’s Body Burnout Story


Today on the Ending Body Burnout Show, the tables turn and Filly interviews Chris all about his own body burnout story and how he evolved into a more high-value man.


Chris shares:

  • When he was a little boy, he was always really interested in sport, physical activity & performance. He loved doing hard things! And this was rubbed off from his Dad, who was an army man, who also played high-level sport, and always encouraged Chris to DO YOUR BEST! GO HARDER!
  • Chris also had a close relationship to his grandfather (on his Mum’s side), who was a loving, kind, and very balanced man. Chris grew to discover within himself, even as a young boy, that he had a gift of intuition, and a deep care for the “wounded”. 
  • He grew up with this juxtaposition of “fight, go-harder” and “love and care”.
  • When he started doing well in sport, ego got the better of him. He thrashed his body to do more, be more, go hard, WIN!
  • When he married Filly, this hyper-focused high-performance pattern trickled over into business endeavours as well. Between training for national-level sport and building a business, he burned his body out, and neglected his family, and even his sense of self.
  • Then mid-to-late 30’s happened, and his natural physical abilities started fading away, replaced by pain. He was constantly inflamed and in pain - 10/10 pain in his joints. He was exhausted, burned-out, depressed, and experienced chronic headaches. His business and family started breaking down too. 
  • In his darkest moments, his Grandad - they man he looked up to the most in his life - passed away. This triggered within Chris the choice: do I continue ruining my health, my relationships, my business and my life, or do I do something different?
  • Into his world, came mentors, Mark Buckley and Mark Luxom, from the FMA Strength Institute, as well as Kylie Ryan from Super Coach Academy. They taught him how to become a high-value man in health, business, relationships and in life. It became less about doing/achieving, and more about being.
  • Chris started healing from adrenal fatigue, with the help of Filly, and did a lot of inner work, to become a new evolved version of himself. 
  • The COVID pandemic happened at the perfect time for Chris. He let go of his gym business, and  joined forces with Filly to create Chris & Filly Functional Medicine, which created space for both personal healing, as well as making space to develop an effective way of ending body burnout for good, in other addicted-doers experiencing body burnout. 
  • Chris went inwards, and connected to his innate gift of helping others who are “wounded”, and he transformed into a burnout recovery coach. His passion, purpose, and calling is to help you navigate these dark moments in your life, and help you connect to your heart and your soul, to address the deepest root cause of body burnout, and to integrate the old you into the new you. 


Listen in as Chris shares his healing journey with Filly, who also adds her experience of Chris conquering his body burnout.


Take our Ending Body Burnout Assessment at: https://chrisandfillyfm.scoreapp.com/


Check out how you can work with us here: https://www.chrisandfilly.fm/work-with-us 

Disclaimer: This Ending Body Burnout Show podcast and any information, advice, opinions or statements within it do not constitute medical, health care or other professional advice, and are provided for general information purposes only. All care is taken in the preparation of the information in this Podcast. Chris & Filly Functional Medicine does not make any representations or give any warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose. This Podcast and any information, advice, opinions or statements within it are not to be used as a substitute for professional medical, psychology, psychiatric or other mental health care or natural medicine health care. Chris & Filly Functional Medicine recommends you seek  the advice of your doctor or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Inform your doctor of any changes you may make to your lifestyle and discuss these with your doctor. Do not disregard medical advice or delay visiting a medical professional because of something you hear in this Podcast. To the extent permissible by law Chris & Filly Functional Medicine and the Ending Body Burnout Show Podcast  will not be liable for any expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damages) or costs which might be incurred as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason. No part of this Podcast can be reproduced, redistributed, published, copied or duplicated in any form without the prior permission of Chris & Filly Functional Medicine.