1: What does "Ending Body Burnout" actually mean?

In today’s FIRST episode, Chris & Filly kick-off sharing with you all the exciting things you can expect in upcoming episodes, as well as dig deep into what “Ending Body Burnout” actually means.


Chris & Filly cover:

  • Who we are, what we do and who we best serve
  • The types of episodes you can expect to see on the Ending Body Burnout Show, including:
    • Interviews with key industry leaders in the field of functional medicine, burnout and holistic healing
    • Special client & entrepreneur body burnout stories
    • “Connect The Dots” episodes, where Filly will take listeners’ cases and work her functional medicine detective magic
    • “Spark” LIVE coaching episodes, where brave listeners will come on and get coached live on the podcast
    • Deconstructing common body burnout symptoms and conditions, using our holistic ROOT-root-cause Ending Body Burnout Method approach
  • The common symptoms/conditions associated with body burnout, including energy, mood, gut and other inflammatory issues.
  • The common behavioural patterns we see in people experiencing body burnout, including over-working, addictive-doing, perfectionism, people pleasing, overwhelm and worrying. 
  • The three main body systems you need to test, to get a clear understanding of body burnout symptoms, and the types of functional medicine lab tests we use.
  • How and why the body systems burnout in the first place - the common root causes, as well as the deepest ROOT-root-cause. 
  • What does ending body burnout actually mean? Do you heal yourself once and you’re symptom-free for life, or is it a continual process?


Show Note Links: 

If you’re keen to get your case workshopped (anonymously - you won’t personally be on the episode), fill in this application form

If you'd like to take part in a LIVE "Spark" Coaching Session, fill in this application form

Take the Ending Body Burnout Assessment here.

Learn more about how you can work with us here

Disclaimer: This Ending Body Burnout Show podcast and any information, advice, opinions or statements within it do not constitute medical, health care or other professional advice, and are provided for general information purposes only. All care is taken in the preparation of the information in this Podcast. Chris & Filly Functional Medicine does not make any representations or give any warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose. This Podcast and any information, advice, opinions or statements within it are not to be used as a substitute for professional medical, psychology, psychiatric or other mental health care or natural medicine health care. Chris & Filly Functional Medicine recommends you seek  the advice of your doctor or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Inform your doctor of any changes you may make to your lifestyle and discuss these with your doctor. Do not disregard medical advice or delay visiting a medical professional because of something you hear in this Podcast. To the extent permissible by law Chris & Filly Functional Medicine and the Ending Body Burnout Show Podcast  will not be liable for any expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damages) or costs which might be incurred as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason. No part of this Podcast can be reproduced, redistributed, published, copied or duplicated in any form without the prior permission of Chris & Filly Functional Medicine.