The Hidden Issues In “Addictive Doing”: Ignore At Your Own Peril
Feb 23, 2022
Are you a Do-er? You know, the type of mum that is always on the go, doing-doing-doing (and often doing waaaaaaay too much - or what we call, “addictive doing”)?
Do-ers struggle with balance. They over-work (or more rightly, over-VALUE-work). They can't seem to stop. Even at night, after the kids go to bed, they are cleaning or studying, or completing some job. They struggle to slow down, relax, chill.
Do-ers can be obsessive. This could show up in repetitive thought patterns. Too much screen time. Sugar addictions. 'Healthy eating' addiction. Over-exercising. Coffee junkie. Insomnia from 'trying too hard to sleep.
Sound familiar? :(
Physically...YOUR BODY WILL BURN OUT. Maybe not straight away. But someday. Your bucket. It's just going to - BAM! - overflow. And with everything that is going on in the pandemic, now is definitely not a good time for your health to crumble.
4 Body Systems That Burnout Due To Over-Doing
High-achieving Mumma, when you continue burning the candle at both ends, eventually your insides will burn out too (trust me, I know - recovering Addicted Do-er over here!).
ADRENAL STRESS HORMONES are going to go nuts and eventually start to deplete, leading to fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, immune system issues, achiness.
FEMALE HORMONES are going to flunk out, leading to PMS, infertility, hot flushes, hormonal headaches, low libido. Maybe your period will disappear altogether.
NEUROTRANSMITTERS are going to deplete. The wonderful brain chemicals of dopamine, adrenaline, serotonin. They ain’t going to be happy for long. Eventually, they too will burn out, which will lead to fatigue, sleep issues, mood imbalances, anxiety, depression, nerve pain, brain fog.
MITOCHONDRIA is going to retract. Become damaged. Shrivel away. These guys are the organelles that live inside your muscle tissue and produce ATP energy. They literally convert food into energy. If the mitochondria aren’t functioning optimally, this can lead to weight gain, fatigue, low motivation, poor drive, and general achiness.
“Doing too much” can also affect the gut and the detox system, but we’ll leave that for another post!
This physical breakdown is going to have a huge impact on your mental and psychological health. Not only will you become more prone to mental health conditions (hello Dragon Mum!), but the worse your overall body feels, the more miserable you become. Your obsessive ‘do-ing’ likely stems from control issues, but the more you try to control and do, the more you burn out, and the more chaotic your life becomes. If it gets bad enough you might have to quit your business or your job, as you struggle to get through the day. You might even start having relationship issues at home - screaming at the kids all the time, or the hubby.
It’s easier said than done to STOP. Do-ers get to a point where their body has broken down so much and is in such a state of stress that it becomes very difficult to stop.
How do I know this so well? Because THIS USED TO BE ME! I’m literally here letting these words flow onto the computer in a flurry because this used to be. My life. My body. My mind. Mine was a very chaotic and depleted and anxious state of existence.
I needed a good combination of both healing (through lab testing and nutraceuticals to identify and heal imbalances in my body) AND coaching (to literally get my mind to settle down, find balance in my life, and create a healthy environment for healing) to get my body and my mind back on track. This is where our Ending Body Burnout Method was born, and we’d LOVE to help you find ANSWERS & SOLUTIONS to your health issue with our method, so you can finally end your body burnout…for good!
If not for yourself, then at least for your family? After all, doesn’t every child have the human right to grow up healthy, happy, and loved? You got this Mumma!
p.s. I’ve created an Ending Body Burnout Assessment (a nifty little quiz) which identifies the main contributors causing your body burnout. You’ll get a super insightful report at the end of the assessment, giving you practical steps to address your body burnout. You can do this test here.
Filipa Bellette is Co-Founder of Chris & Filly Functional Medicine. She is an accredited Clinical Nutritionist & Functional Medicine Practitioner. She is also a Ph.D. thought-leader, award-winning writer, and regularly published as a guest blogger & in the media. Together with her husband Chris Bellette, Filipa has worked with over 2,000+ busy, burnout clients in the last 10+ years, and specialises in producing healthy, balanced, and happy Mums & Dads...or as she calls it, a Power Parent! Filipa’s own passion for producing high-performance Power Parents came from her own personal experience of Mummy Burnout, after having babies and juggling the demands of business, family, and her failing health.
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