Coconut Jelly

Apr 22, 2021

Here's some healthy dessert I made for a party, adapted from Jo Whitton Quirky Cooking. They were a hit!!! No one guessed they were healthy 😉


Coconut Jelly
  • 250ml coconut cream
  • 50g raw honey
  • ¼ tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 ½ tbsp gelatin
Strawberry Jelly
  • 250g punnet strawberries
  • 40g raw honey
  • 1 ½ tbsp gelatin
  • Grease jelly moulds or a larger dish if you want to make one big bowl of jelly (I used silicone ice-cube trays)
  • Coconut Jelly: Place all ingredients in a saucepan and heat, stirring, over medium heat until bubbles form on the edges.
  • Remove from heat and pour into moulds or dish halfway up and place in fridge or freezer for 30min or until firm (longer if doing in a dish).
  • Strawberry Jelly: Place all ingredients in a saucepan and heat, stirring, over medium heat until it begins to simmer.
  • Reduce heat to low and keep stirring until strawberries have broken up about 10 minutes.
  • Pour on top of coconut jelly.
  • Place in fridge or freezer until set, about 30min (longer if doing in a dish).


This recipe is approved for our following Healing Diets:

- Adrenal Healing Nutrition Plan (post-2-week blood sugar reset, or sub the feta for a nut-based feta)

- Gluten-Free / Celiac & Non-Celiac Gluten-Sensitivity

- Dairy-free

- SIBO Biphasic Diet


Author: Filipa Bellette, Clinical Nutritionist & Functional Medicine Practitioner 

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