On demand recording & workbooks

Stress, Burnout & Why Your Gut Protocol Isn't Working


Are you feeling stressed, burned-out & now your gut is not happy?!

You know…bloating, gut cramps, heartburn, diarrhoea, constipation?

Have you tried alllll the supps, diets...

Maybe even hypnotherapy, and still your gut is not right?

Does your gut & other health issues flare up when you’re stressed?

If this is you - you’ll want to sign up for our FREE 3-Day Live Event: Stress, Burnout & Why Your Gut Protocol Isn’t Working


Access the recording & workbooks now!

Day 1 - Test Not Guess 

Day 1 is all about the physical body. When your gut is playing up, the first thing most people do is change their diet. This is a great start, and sometimes all that is needed (yep, ditched the daily Maccas & I’m feeling better, lol!). But often it’s not quite enough to get to the root of gut issues, even when you’ve gone all out and done GAPs or Low-FODMAP or Paleo. 

So, next up is Dr Google or a visit to the local health food store or naturopath. You’ve been given a bunch of supps based on your symptoms, but still you’re feeling symptomatic!

This is where functional lab testing can shine a light into what’s actually going on in your gut & other related body systems. When you can test & identify the imbalances in your body, you know exactly what you need from the physical side of things in order to heal. This is why in our practice our motto is “test not guess” before dishing out a bunch of therapeutic supps or diets. 

We go over:

  • 4 common reasons why your gut protocol isn’t working
  • Types of gut testing, based on symptoms & case history
  • How stress & burnout impacts the gut
  • Why we would never treat the gut first
  • Why testing & treating other body systems - i.e. adrenals, brain, detox pathways - is integral for optimal gut health
  • Our top 4 recommended functional lab testing (& why food allergy testing isn’t one of them)
Day 2 - You're Not Broken 

On Day 2, we go beyond the physical body systems & start looking deeper as to WHY the gut & other body systems have burned-out. Leaky gut, pathogens, microbiome depletion, inflammation - these all lead to symptoms, but they are NOT the root-cause of your gut issues and other body burnout symptoms. 

In our practice, we work off the presupposition that you are not broken. The results you are getting in every area of life - including your current state of health - are the exact results you've designed your system to create in order to protect yourself.

Sure you might hate your gut issues & other body burnout symptoms. Sure you might feel like your body is broken, like it is fighting against you. But actually, it’s fighting FOR you! It’s sending you strong pain signals to try to protect you and to help keep you safe - it’s just showing up unresourcefully at the moment. Today, where going to help you change that!

We go over:

  • Why *just* doing physical protocols rarely lead to long-term results
  • Dig into the presupposition “you’re not broken” & how it applies to you
    Identify why your symptoms are trying to keep you safe
  • What “burnout” patterns - i.e. perfectionism, over-doing, people pleasing - are you running & why
  • How you can show up more resourcefully, so you can heal & switch off symptoms
Day 3 - Brain Controls Pain

Day 3 we move into the realm of neuroscience. This is a huge missing piece when it comes to trying to heal gut issues & other body burnout symptoms. You see, while pain might start in the body (i.e. you develop SIBO or get infected by a parasite), if this issue becomes chronic, the brain takes over controlling the pain.  

As an example: your gut goes out of whack, then you start developing food sensitivities - gluten, dairy, tomatoes, onions, watermelon, etc. Overtime, your system creates strong neural pathways that send a pain signal to your gut every time you’re about to eat the trigger food as a way to warn you of danger. The “trigger” might also be stress, harmful self-limiting beliefs or thought-patterns, chemicals, mould. Every time you’re exposed to the trigger, the brain gets more efficient at sending the pain signal to the body - this could also show up as chronic fatigue, migraines, body pain, autoimmune flareups or skin issues. 

You might actually HEAL your gut, but if your brain continues to send pain signals to your gut every time you eat an old trigger food or feel stressed, you will continue to feel symptoms. In today’s session, we're going to show you how to rewire that! 

We go over:

  • Why you can continue to get symptoms even after doing all the physical protocols
  • Why your health issues keep flaring up 
  • The connection between neuroscience and chronic health issues
  • Why stress, anxiety, overwhelm & burnout will continue triggering pain signals
  • How to rewire the brain to switch pain signals off 

On a mission to end body burnout..for good!

We’re putting on this free live training because we are on a mission to end body burnout…for good! I (Filly) have experienced body burnout THREE times, and each time I had to go deeper into discovering the root-cause - not just looking at the physical body, but also the unconscious mind, the nervous system & the brain, and how distressing events from the past affect them.

It took me 10 years to unlock the code - and now I want to accelerate your healing & take you through exactly what I did to resolve my chronic weird health issues - anxiety, insomnia, gut issues, low immunity, body pain, female hormone issues, low energy, chemical sensitivity, histamine intolerance - as well as deep-seated perfectionism, people pleasing & addictive-doing patterns that steeped in past distressing events & that led to the health issues in the first place.

When you learn how to listen to the deeper messages your body is sending you - and how to communicate back & act on the messages - THIS is a game changer! You essentially become your own self-healer & self-regulator for life, so you don’t end up in a state of body burnout again.


On a mission to end body burnout...for good!

We’re putting on this free live workshop because we are on a mission to end body burnout…for good! I (Filly) have experienced body burnout THREE times, and each time I had to go deeper into discovering the root-cause - not just looking at the physical body, but also the unconscious mind, the nervous system & the brain, and how distressing events from the past affected it.

It took me 10 years to unlock the code - and now I want to accelerate your healing & take you through exactly what I did to resolve my chronic weird health issues - anxiety, insomnia, gut issues, low immunity, body pain, female hormone issues, low energy, chemical sensitivity, histamine intolerance - as well as deep-seated perfectionism, people pleasing & addictive-doing patterns that steeped in past distressing events & that led to the health issues in the first place.

When you learn how to listen to the deeper messages your body is sending you - and how to communicate back & act on the messages - THIS is a game changer! You essentially become your own self-healer & self-regulator for life, so you don’t end up in a state of body burnout again.

About Chris & Filly

Chris & Filipa Bellette are the Founders of multi award-winning health practice Chris & Filly Functional Medicine, which is best known for ending body burnout (for good!) in “busy” people with energy, mood and gut issues.

They have worked with over 2,000+ burned-out clients in the past combined 25+ years, with their own passion for ending body burnout coming from their own personal experience of body, mind, family & business breakdown, after a prolonged period of physical and mental stress.

Filipa is an accredited Functional Medicine Practitioner, Clinical Nutritionist, Coach & Trauma Therapist. She is also a Ph.D. Scholar, author, award-winning writer & regularly featured the media, such as Forbes, Body+Soul and The Daily Telegraph.

Chris is a Burnout Recovery Coach & an accredited Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner, with a Bachelor of Human Movement Science. He has existed in high-performance realms of the sporting  & business industries and knows what it takes to get out of hustle-and-grind culture to thriving.

They were recently awarded as the Tasmanian State Winner & National Finalist for the Telstra Best of Business Awards 2022, and Winner of the Australian Women’s Small Business Champion Awards 2022.

About Chris & Filly

Chris & Filipa Bellette are the Founders of multi award-winning health practice Chris & Filly Functional Medicine, which is best known for ending body burnout (for good!) in “busy” people with energy, mood and gut issues.

They have worked with over 2,000+ burned-out clients in the past combined 25+ years, with their own passion for ending body burnout coming from their own personal experience of body, mind, family & business breakdown, after a prolonged period of physical and mental stress.

Filipa is an accredited Functional Medicine Practitioner, Clinical Nutritionist, Coach & Trauma Therapist.

She is also a Ph.D. Scholar, award-winning writer & regularly featured the media, such as Forbes, Body+Soul and The Daily Telegraph.

Chris is a Burnout Recovery Coach & an accredited Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner, with a Bachelor of Human Movement Science.

He has existed in high-performance realms of the sporting  & business industries and knows what it takes to get out of hustle-and-grind culture to thriving.

They were recently awarded as the Tasmanian State Winner & National Finalist for the Telstra Best of Business Awards 2022, and Winner of the Australian Women’s Small Business Champion Awards 2022.

Filipa Bellette
  • Functional Medicine Practitioner
  • Clinical Nutritionist, Coach & Trauma Therapist
  • PhD Scholar
  • Award-winning author
  • Mama of 2 girls
  • Lover of sunshine & good food
Chris Bellette
  • Burnout Recovery Coach
  • Master NLP Practitioner
  • Human Movement Science Grad
  • Former athlete & Army reservist
  • Filly's food taste tester
  • Beach-loving guitar player

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© 2024 Chris & Filly Functional Medicine